
graciela (not verified)

 Very creative. You can do sculptures ( sculpture textil),and a lot of  tridimentional things, objects, boxes, and artistic works. Ahead with the experiment! Graciela.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Do you have any more photos to add?  I would love to see it on.


moggyandme (not verified)

Thanks Claudia - I will add some more this evening.

weave2 (not verified)

and special becasue it is totally your creation.  It reminds me of Saori weaving.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I am a beginner - fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants weaver. Self taught and no illusions about my lack of technical skills. But I love to play and I love to weave. The Habu Stainless steel is the most amazing tool to weave with. How can it be stainless steel? Wrapped with silk it has the ability to be scrunched and bent into shape whilst still be soft and lovely to touch.

This was a lovely project - I warped up with the white stainless steel and then used a Habu Sampler ball from Dairing. The sampler had a whole bunch of different 'yarns' wound up - some sosenshi paper, tobe moire, all sorts of unusual things.

I wanted to play around with the yarns. I purposely created sections that had larger gaps, undulating sections of not much, just stainless steel.

Wonderful when dunked in hot water, 'thwacked' and then popped it in the dryer for 10 mins.

I wear it so much and always get asked about it.


Raveled here

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit