
Claudia Segal (not verified)

This looks like a great loom and Gilmore is known for their well made looms.  I would love to know which size you are using and any other details you care to share.  I am thinking about adding the mini to my Holiday list but not sure which size I want.  I'm looking for some thing I can weave on in the car. 


Marsha A. Knox (not verified)

The one I am using in this project is the largest!  It measures 25 inches long and 14lbs. Not so good in the car. 

Mine however, is the Mini and will be delivered on Tuesday...The same day I go home from my trip to Jacksonville,FL.  It is only 16 inches long and 6 lbs.  I think this would be great for the car.  I will gladly let you know as soon as I get it.

I have always wanted a "bigger and better" loom, and finally achieved it with my homemade tapestry loom.  Now I find that due to many of my current living factors, smaller will be better.  I also find myself wanting to do pick up and more complicated weave pattern/structures.

I have tortured both myself and Laverne on the backstrap loom...much too painful for my back and neck.  (Took a bad fall a few years ago.)  Need something that I can look at vertically, or at least less than horizontal.  My living circumstances wouldn't allow this with the backstrap and rigid heddle.  I also discovered that I found it cumbersome to be tied in.  I kept getting up and trying to walk with it still on.  Very frustrating. 

Also I had never used a warp board until about a month ago.  What a learning curve that whole process is.  However, I did indeed get an 11 foot warp on my friend's wave, (her parents own Gilmore looms) and wove on it successfully even though I encountered many problems in my warping process that had to be rectified. 

I am going to leave it here, even though she offered for me to borrow it.  I am enamoured of the smaller one, and am very grateful for the practice on this one.  I just am not sure about biting off on a 9 1/2 wide piece yet.  Intimidates my warping board skills.

This loom is SOOOOO strong.  This coming from a very heavy handed tapestry weaver.  The ratchets are metal, no teeth breaking or bending ever!  Kromski was plastic and I had to replace them several times.  They are so very inexpensive, but so very inconvenient to wait for when I want to weave.

If yo put this loom on your Christmas list you definitely won't be disappointed.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is my 1st long warp.  I am weaving several small projects, a couple of small cell ph. pouches, bracelets..

The warp was a birthday gift, it didn't have any tags on it but I believe it is silk.  The colors are beautiful and vibrant blues and purples!  Gorgeous.  My new WAVE should arrie next week.  I am so excited!  Let me know what you think.

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit