
kathe todd-hooker (not verified)

The piece is actually a rectangle and has been squished into a square

bolivian warmi

Wow! Great to see you here. I am still kicking myself for missing your soumak class at CNCH.

tommye scanlin

Glad to see some of your pieces here!

sally orgren

I think you will start a tapestry revival single-handedly if you keep posting images like this! Thank you SO much for sharing. 

BTW-when you click on the image, the full rectangle appears.

francorios (not verified)

That is beyond words. I laughed. I cried. It moved me.

Have a joyful day!

tommye scanlin

Yes, Sally... Kathe's done quite a bit to start a tapestry revival in the past two decades!  Her tapestry listserve is one of those... active since 1996--maybe around 400 subscribers now (Kathe--maybe you can fill us in).  She's also been teaching around the country for years, written four books about tapestry, and has a business (Fine Fiber Press) that sells tapestry tools, yarns, etc.  She's been instrumental in exhibits, too--she was among those who organized the "It's About Time" exhibit of small format tapestry in Portland, OR... a non-juried exhibit that is still going on every two years somewhere in the country (usually in the same city and same time as Convergence)... the last iteration of it was called "Enchanted Pathways" when held in Santa Fe this summer.

Kathe will be a tremendous resource for Weavolution!!!


kathe todd-hooker (not verified)

Thank you! I didn't know. I thought I'd done something wrong.


kathe todd-hooker (not verified)

Tommye-There are almost 500 people on the list. The number was 484 this morning when I was doing maintenance. It's been in existence since 1996 and you were one of the first 10 members and have always been so supportive!

I was coordinator  of IT's about time! with Laura Shannock and Jan Breckon. Weren't you the next with Encore?

I started a group for small format tapestry weavers this morning on Weavolution. SO far I am the only member. I have always one dedicated to just small format. My other list is for any size. 

Claudia has convinced me that I can teach on weavolution. BUT, It's a big step so I am only going to give private lessons one person at a time. Should be interesting I love to teach.

Tapestry was all ready in survival mode and still growing I just shoved small format along a bit. When I started tapestry weaving 1979 only pieces bigger then a square meter were allowed in tapestry shows.



kbird (not verified)

Kathe -

It seems I am always learning new things through this site.  I was not aware that tapestry weaving was occuring on this kind of scale.  Your work is beautiful!


aubeweave (not verified)

Thanks Kathe for shareing. A really beautifull image. A happy moment. I am also in tapestry weaving. But not good at showing it here. I'll make a better try. Tapestry is weaving the screen. 20.00 EPI is near to 8 ends to 10 cm! I wonder what yarn you use.

When writing about tapestry people give tapestry 0 or 1 shaft. I cant' agree. Then the inlay will be a toss. My loom has two treadles. I would say tapestry has two shafts too. Even if you pick the shafts. We may have a discussion over this please.

tommye scanlin

Yes, there are two sheds used for tapestry when woven with traditional plain weave.  However, a shed is not the same as a shaft.  Therefore, a weaving of plain weave can be done using the two sheds necessary but without loom intervention of shaft activation to cause that to happen!  The way I read the entry form for the projects, it indicates shafts of a loom.  Yes... that's very confusing, isn't it!  When one uses a loom without threading warp through heddles on a shaft then one would put 0 or 1 (0 if finger picking both sheds, or 1 if using a shed stick for one shed, then finger picking the second).  So rather than this being a mistake on the part of the person making an entry of project details, I find this a fault in the system by which it's entered.

Good comment!  Maybe the project entry form can be modified to make it more clearly indicate what happens!!


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

soumack and tapestry technique

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit