
Meredith Bennett (not verified)


I just set up my Glimakra band loom. How do you beat the weft down? I've tried

several different approaches but none are satisfactory. Thanks, Meredith

mejnoona (not verified)

I'm actually using a dull dagger as a takes quite a bit of force to get the weft the way I like it and this is the best I have found so far.  Maybe try using the backside of a large table knife?


Meredith Bennett (not verified)

Thanks! I emailed Joanne Hall about this and she sent me to an interesting video on Youtube. There seem to be several on band weaving. Anyway I'm beating with the shuttle twice once when I pass it through and then again when I change the shed. That way I'm down to one tool and it goes faster. I'm using 3/2 cotton and that might be easier to pack. Have you tried inlay with this? Also I'm surprised the sideways weaving doesn't bother me at all--I thought it would take some getting used to. Meredith

WeaverCat (not verified)

Congratulations on your new loom! Could you post a link to the YouTube video you refer to in your post? I haven't seen any measurements for a set up Glimakra Band Loom. What are its approximate width and height. Thanks!

Meredith Bennett (not verified)

If you search Youtube it's under Inkle Weaving My Way. Also there's a video on the web site of the place in Massachusetts that specializes in Scandinavian weaving (Vav Stuga?) on band weaving. The dimensions are 32 inches across and 33 inches high and 9 inches wide. Sorry I couldn't read the exact link on Youtube but Joanne Hall has it (I deleted her message with that information). Meredith

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

OK, after 20+ years of weaving with a homemade inkle loom, I just had to go out and buy the new Glimakra band loom.....and so far, I think its going to be a happy relationship.

The sideways orientation is taking a bit of getting used to, but I'm finding that I am acclimating to the feel of the loom quickly. 

For the first project, I put on a very simple striped pattern (which is a mirror of the pattern I will be using for the baby blanket...I have enough warp for a bit of extra cloth and plan on making a holding bag for pieces parts for the new loom).





Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit