
whorlwindweaver (not verified)

This is interesting--just doing a rug on a rigid heddle loom (though why not?) 

I'd like to see how this progresses and what you come up with.

Thumper70 (not verified)


I'm now only 20 rows from the end of the pattern - 48 rows to completion - (pics posted soon) so far I'm really surprised and pleasantly so at the result.

It'll need clipped (looking for clippers now - scissors don't "cut it" (O lord that was bad!) because knuckles and fingers get in the way of creating an even shear.

I'm thinking I'll be done with the weaving by late next week (fingers crossed).

I'm collecting data (grin) on the learning curve - which I'll post later for anyone else who wants to give it a go.

Kristina (not verified)

 Well done!

Looks like  the finnish "Rya" weaving.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

right - so I'm going to make a rug on my rigid heddle. I'm using hand spun wool of various colours, and the warp will be your basic cotton warp-on-a-cone. beyond that - I'll fill in.

For more info on the project visit my blog -



only 20 rows to the end of the pattern - about 48 rows to finish the project - rolling might prove to be "interesting" after a few more turns (the extant woven bit is still very fluffy as I've not yet clipped it all). Progress is faster than I expected - not too much slower than a normal weave - knotting a plain row (no pattern) takes only a few minutes, but knotting a patterned row can take about 15 minutes. I'm actually surprised at how quickly it comes together.



Right so, the pattern is done and I'm wrapping things up - only now have I discovered that I could save some time and fiddly-ness by not pre-cutting my knot lenghts but to work directly from the ball of wool. I'd been wondering how to do this all week. When watching videos of traditional ruggers I observed that they had a knife and did not have a pot of lenths of wool next to them. That is to say there must have been a better way than what I was doing and I think I've found it.

10 more rows and 8 of plain weave to go.

Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit