I am working for the first time in 8/2 cotton.  I have 20 epi sleyed in the reed 2 ends per dent in a 10 dpi reed.  I' weaving a 2/2 twill, pretty simple. As the weaving has progressed I started to notice some floats occasionally and have tracked it down to a few threads snagging in the reed.  I believe it is because there is enough draw-in from the edges that the outer thread in the dent is catching the inner thread as the heddle raises it and pulling the inner thread up as well.  I can run a finger along the top of the raised threads and it will drop back into place, but it is getting quite annoying.  The draw in is only about 1.5" across a 20" wide warp, which I don't think is excessive.  Any ideas, why I am having this problem and how to correct or avoid it in future?  Here are photos of a snagged thread before I unsnagged and threw a pick, as well as a shot from above showing draw-in and the weaving angle I am using in case anyone can help.

From heddle to reed

from reed to front beam

from top showing draw-in and weaving angle before beating.


Sara von Tresckow

A temple (a weighted homemade one will do) will help. Your snagging threads might be a little loose - that would allow both to rise. Also, if you do a gentle tap of an afterbeat upon changing the shed it will most times clear the shed.

1.5" on 20" as drawing IS excessive.

SFMichael (not verified)

Thanks for the ideas.  I am going to see if after the current towel I can use a few picks of some heavy cotton twine to re-spread the warp.

Joanne Hall

I agree, you need to use a temple.



I'm not sure that heavy cotton will spread your warp.  You may need to angle the weft more to reduce the draw in, which I agree is excessive.  A temple will do more than some picks of heavy cotton.