Hello everyone! I'm reading Ann Dixon's Pattern Directory, page 165, Huck weaving. I'm thinking of a 5/2 pearl cotton scarf using this threading, but even though it appears to be written for a four - shaft loom, there are 8 different treadling tie-ups required. So I'm thinking I can't do this on my Schact 4 harness, 6 treadle standard. Do you agree? Is there some clever maneuver besides treadling everything manually with direct tie-ups? Thanks!


jlread (not verified)

If it was written for a 4H....then that's that....8 tie-ups required????...maybe 8 different tie-ups for 8 different variations . what about the threading?


my book with me but many of the patterns show multiple tieups but not all the tieups are requried for all of the patterns - did that make sense? So one pattern on the page might need tieups one through 6, another one might need tieups 1-3 and 6 - 8. - check the pattern you want and see if you actually need all the tieups shown on the page -

Sue in VT

As a new weaver, I continue to come up against roadblocks that I'm not figuring out easily. Thankfully, sharing confusions with experienced weavers keeps me moving forward in my new journey. YES, you're right! I see now that the treadles are only specific to the individual pattern. My questions all seem so elementary once I know the answers. Many thanks for your quick replies! Sue


all been where you are so please keep asking questions. I know I always learn so much from the answers everyone gives.


Once you know the answer it seems so obvious.  But when you don't know the answer, it is just confusing.  :)

