Just got my Mirrix Zach in the mail today and am setting it up. 

If I want to make my own heddles, how long should they be?  Does anyone know?





Depends on the dimensions of the loom I think and height of your breast beam. 10-11 inches seems to be about the norm for a 36" high breast beam, but I'm not an expert by any means. I've just read it in here from folks that know and on other web sites and books. There are some loom retailers on here that know a lot more than I.

tommye scanlin

Hi Lydia, Sorry, I don't know the length to tie your own heddles for the Mirrix... is there an instruction online where Claudia's answered that? Is there a Mirrix group here at Weavo? Don't know. By the way, Kathe Todd-Hooker uses Mirrix in her classes; perhaps you could ask her. Have fun with it! Tommye


Hi Lydia, I have the Zack loom. My heddles are exactly 3 in. From tie to tie, so the opening is 3 inches. I think you'll really like the Zack!


P.S. the "tail" beyond the knot is about 1/2 an inch which is a nice length doesn't get tangled with it's neighbor yet is easy to move around with your fingers.

kendrick43 (not verified)

Thank you for your responses!  I'm very anxious to get started warping Zach to start another tapestry diary March 1st.  Going to be a little rough today as I seem to have done something to my hand and it's very sore.  :-)

Maybe by the weekend, I can get started.  Have a great day!

ezuyokmirrix (not verified)

I think I saw this too late, but we have heddle making instructions on our website here. Let me know if you have any more questions! ([email protected]) Happy warping!

Pamela Hunt

I'll be getting a Zach in a few weeks and have thought about tyeing my own heddles, but didn't have a clue where to begin, so this is great information for me!!

The Zach seems to be a great loom for traditional tapestry weaving, which is what I want to do. 

