Do I need to re-enter my registration code everytime there is an update? I am using the ipad version.



The reason I asked about the registration code is that after the update installed, it just stayed on the registration screen.  It didn't open up to the program.  Any ideas?  thanks Mary in A2

Helen S

 WIF 'n Proof updates do not require you to register again.  If  WIF 'n Proof is asking you to register, then for some other reason your database was removed from your iPad.  There is no choice but to again reguest a registration code.


moxie3601 (not verified)

One minute it said it was updating, next thing it was prompting me to register again. Everything was working fine before the update.


Please send me another registration code. The program was not removed from my ipad so??? Thanks, Mary in A2

Helen S

Mary, you have to send a registration request on the registration page.  I cannot just make up a code without the request code generated by the app.



I did request a re code from the page but no reply. I'll try one more time.


just to let you know:  when it asked me to copy the four lines to send to support - the letters next to "email" were not a valid email address. could that be the problem and if so, how does one correct it?


Just out of curiosity, how long should one expect to wait to hear back from support?  Mary

Helen S

Hi Mary

I am on the east coast.  I understand it is frustrating to have a problem, so I do check my email several times during working hours and sometimes in the evening as well.  Your registration request came in after 8:00 last night, and your code went out this morning.
