I would like each of you to make an enlarged copy of Fig. 1.2 from the booklet and then write in each of your pure colors (use a pencil).  Here's and example:

You can see I've put the ones with high chroma on the circumference and the ones with low chroma closer to the center.  I would suggest you add the Notation for the highest DOS of each dye on the sheet too.  I think this will help you with your  selection of principal and secondary dyes.  There are 12 colors here, black would be in the center.  We really are only working with 7 principal colors for the color wheel.

I think this can help, let me know what you think.


Mary Rios (not verified)

Hi Karren and group -

I just posted a paper size pdf of this chart on docs.google - i actually photographed it from my poster - you may have to put a few more tics between the colors but that will only reinforce the direction... because i don't have everyone's email, i'll also post it here. If you send me your email address, i'll add you to the share on google docs. It is not in the order of the book but all the information is there.

pjdoney (not verified)

Thanks, Karren, for the suggestion.  I had done that a couple of weeks ago to help me wrap my head around the wheel more (now that's an interesting word picture).  I like your idea of placing the chroma of the color either deeper in or on the circumference.  I'll go and re-locate my chroma points and add the highest DOS.