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I am teaching new weavers who raise Alpacha and are interested in weaving rugs with the yarn from
ID | Content label | Entity type | Plugin used | Operations |
26601 | Anonymous | User | Group membership | |
27599 | Knitstiknit | User | Group membership | |
27660 | BNW2015 | User | Group membership | |
27903 | Weave 'n Spin | User | Group membership | |
28561 | jenadina | User | Group membership | |
28632 | weaversouth | User | Group membership | |
28832 | Sidhepro | User | Group membership | |
29423 | francorios | User | Group membership | |
29531 | pamslu | User | Group membership | |
29654 | djfiberarts | User | Group membership | |
29979 | Aunt Janet | User | Group membership | |
30089 | pickleme | User | Group membership | |
30150 | Manicgirl | User | Group membership | |
30178 | SaoriSaltSpring | User | Group membership | |
30343 | ammann58 | User | Group membership | |
30579 | kellytwo | User | Group membership | |
30748 | Cameron T-B | User | Group membership | |
31009 | fibermeister | User | Group membership | |
31057 | The Loomy Weaver | User | Group membership | |
31150 | swelch | User | Group membership | |
31206 | argyarn | User | Group membership | |
31903 | naca5803 | User | Group membership | |
34439 | How do we find them? | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
34440 | weaving with preschoolers | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
34450 | Weaving with kids - book | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
34631 | Community in the Classroom at CNCH | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
34768 | a whine and an appeal for suggestions | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
34832 | scarf in a day | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
35173 | One hour with fifth graders | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
35508 | Conference kit? | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) | |
35633 | Rugs | Content | Group node (Group Discussion) |
I am teaching new weavers who raise Alpacha and are interested in weaving rugs with the yarn from
I am teaching new weavers who raise Alpacha and are interested in weaving rugs with the yarn from
I am preparing for my first conference in June and realized that I am just not sure what to take
Next week I will be teaching several sessions during the fifth grade's Colonial Days. Each sessi
Our library is interested in a "scraf in a day" workshop.
Well, apparently, we did not get a small grant I had applied for to buy yarn for our summer "Art
Hello everyone.
I have woven with my daughter's preschool classes for the last two springs, for a week at a time,
So, how do we make contact with the next generation?