Here is the full  link for the weaving terms glossary that we're working on.

feel free to participate!




aubeweave (not verified)

Hi Ingamarie,

I've followed the book "Nordisk textilteknisk terminologi" by Strömberg, Geijer,  Hald and Hofmann as good as I can and filled in some norwegian weaving expressions. An interesting project and learningprocess. Some english/ american and german words may have changed (too) since 1974 when the book was printed.

Ellen (not verified)

Thank you for your effort :-) Nice to see the glossary slowly growing.

Anastasia (not verified)

 Thank you for such useful glossary! I can help with Russian if needed.

Kristina (not verified)


Hi Anastasia,
fine that you found your way into our group. It would be great ,if you write a few Russian words into this glossary. It is an open file, and everybody can work with it. Maybe you know some interesting Russian links for weavers, or tell us about the popular  weaving-techniques in Russia. Here in Germany, where I live ,are many russian people. Their handycrafts a really different in style and favourite colours . I saw your Hippo bag. This was really fantastic!!


Anastasia (not verified)

 Hi Kristina,

I'll try my best to fill up the glossary.

In Russia weaving has some features.

First of all it is not wide spread here. In most cases weaver in Russia is a keeper of traditions who lives in village (or small town), wears (and sews himself) traditional Russian clothes (which was last weared in XIX century), is very religious. Unfortunately it happened so that historical situation in Russia in XXth century had negative influence on our culture and traditions. And only thanks to people who could save up this archaic arts weaving is partly restored. So here there is no special literature, no loom-production. Weavers weave on those looms that have remained from ancient times, sometimes they are several hundreds years old! Most people don't know what weaving is at all. Only in textile universities there is a short course of weaving.

Next feature is that in our country there are tens of peoples and most of them have their own weaving traditions. Most of these traditions are definitively lost. Russian weaving is very symbollicaly and originates from paganism. All ornaments were aimed to save his owner and his family, to help him in his work, to cure him and so on. Most of meanings of these symbols are lost too.

The most popular colours are white with red ornaments. Some peoples prefer black and red. As a rule there are only two colours in weavings.

Double weaving was rare. Usually it was plain weaving with second shuttle creating ornament. And there was wide spread weaving technique which I don't know how to name and explain. I guess it is not very popular in Europe and America. Here is the photo of weave in this technique: In Russia it is traditionally used for belts which are obligatory part of traditional costume and play a role of talisman.

So my Hippo bag is far from Russian traditions. And my Wedding present is very similar with russain style.


  Thank you for this really interesting information.  In Germany there is no special weaving tradition - as in Scandinavia - too. But in every old Farmer house you can find a barn loom. Mostly they did plain weave for  house textiles . And weaving of Linen seems to be in the german tradition ( " Leineweber").  But there are some people researching about  weaving.  Anneliese Bläse has a very interesting homepage about  woven band from the area around the eastern see. I saw there bands  like the one in your link. They were from Lettland, Litauen, Estland and  from the eastern Finland too. In Germany they are called " Jostenbänder"  . You can see them there:

 and in this book:

 Doubleweave  I know  just some examples from Poland and Masuren. But that`s all.

Incidentally, I had the impression that your Hippo Bag is not typically russian :O).

 The russians I know prefer  pink, white an ruffles . The little girls often look so pretty with their pink ribbons in their hair.

 I hope to learn more from you ! Where in Russia do you live?




Kristina (not verified)

  Thank you Anastasia for your cooperation with the glossary! I saw the first russian weaving words.  Now I have something to ggogle with.

Greetings Kristina

Anastasia (not verified)

 Russians like pink? It is strange for me to hear this! If you talk about the present it is true concerning only baby-girs. Parent make them look like princess with pink, white and ruffles. When I was a little girl I also weared such dresses. But adults mostly prefer grey, dark, black clothes becuase autumn-winter-spring are 'dirty' seasons here. And only in summer we allow ourselves bright and light colors. Of course it doesn't relate to everybody but to general mass of people.

If we talk about traditional russian clothes I can hardly remember pink there. Look here:  On the right side of the page there is the list of links. They present traditional clothes of different districts of country. Russia is very big and there are many peoples, and that's why there are so many differing traditional costumes. Surely today inhabitants of major part of this districts have common prefers in clothes selection. 

Thank you for the link! The weavings from gallery resemble our ornaments. Here you can see the works of contemprorary weavers weaving in traditional style:   The text on some bels is a prayer which is to save its owner. But you can hardly find a man on the street wearing such belt. People who wear them live together in communities. Or they are members of folklore bands researching national songs, dances and performing in traditional clothes. Years ago I also was member of such a band, and my thee hundred yeared dress is still kept at home.

From time to time I'll add something to glossary. Thank you for such interesting international project!


I forgot to answer your question! I'm from Moscow.


Kristina (not verified)

 You are right !

Specially the girls wear pink and white. Some older women I know, love to wear very accented make up with  with pink lipstick. But I had not intended the idea that folklore is worn in everyday life. I have a colleague from Russia. She  also preferres more subdued clothing. But you see so little do we know about each other.  So I´,m open to learn and  try to see beyond the end of my nose. I have an interesting Russian link, were I have found truly creative tutorials.



Anastasia (not verified)

It is so unusual to get the link on ru-language site from Germany!!! I've never seen it before. Thank you!! By the way site is Byelorussian but on Russian language. There is really much useful information on it.



Hi all, I haven't posted on Weavolution much, but on Ravelry we have been discussing the glossary you all cooperated on and produced several years ago but which now seems to have been corrupted.

As well as being a weaver (currently without access to my looms due to a major move and remodel), I am a software developer recently retired from working at Expedia on web applications for the last five years (and in software development and database dev for the last 25 years).

I contacted ingamarie (marie) and she suggested that I also reach out to you as a group.

I'd like to create and host a web app (free) for a weaving glossary and wondered 

a) might we/I have your blessing to use material you have put together (meanwhile cleaning it up because I realize it is no longer correct due to misunderstandings of how to update most likely)

b) would you like to be involved?

I've not thought about it for more than a couple of hours, but here is a brief outline of what I envision:

The glossary would have a two-fold purpose:

1) weaving term definitions in English -- a more robust explanation than a simple translation.

2) weaving terms translated to various languages as they might appear in pubications, so that weavers can search and find clarification

It would differ from the spreadsheet version in that there would be

3) a form for submitting terms and definitions or terms and translations (this mitigates the accidental corruption of the data)

4) a check by the SMEs (see below) before the new content is published.

5) the user can request the translation of a term, which would in turn be submitted to the SMEs.

6) the user can see just the languages they are interested in rather than all of it at once.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) would be recruited from Ravelry, Weavolution or the World-- on weaving in general and weavers who speak the translated languages either natively or fluently.

I'm interested in doing this because I'd like to keep up my skills in the dev world.  I would make this an open source project on GitHub so that anyone else with dev, design or testing skills could participate (with appropriate code review of course).  I don't know if you are familiar with open source software, but it means that the code is available to anyone who would like to use it, but the data and the application I host based on it is private, though available through the web app for public use.  There are various types of open source licenses that can be applied.

Anyway, Sarah Van Treskow sent me the link to the glossary discussions on Weavolution, and encouraged us to reach out to those initially involved. 

What do you think?


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