I just discovered a new shortcut: treadling the hemstitching!

I was preparing to do the hemstitching on my latest shawl (threaded up straight draw on 24 shafts) as I usually do, picking the yarns out of the reed,  when it suddenly dawned on me that I could easily pick out bunches of 4,  6, or 8 threads simply by having the loom raise the appropriate shafts!  So that’s exactly what I did.  I created a draft that raised shafts 1-4, then 5-8, then 9-12, and so on, and treadled to lift each  group of threads for hemstitching.  It was significantly faster than earlier attempts, and also more comfortable, since I wasn’t bending over with my nose in the reed.

It won't work for all drafts, but for straight draw it was quick and easy.



Hi Tien, nice idea, may I have your permission to post this link in the scarf forum?  I think it would be nice to have there.

Toughest part about weavolution is tracking ideas, too many forums and groups to hop around in....I guess I am used to CIS (old compuserve) and Weavetech's digests that accumulate everything in a digest that you can just scroll thru......anyway, I'm trying to get used to new technology!  regards  Deb

tien (not verified)

Sure!  Go ahead and post it there.

For finding stuff there is always the "Advanced Search" tab in the top right (right underneath the "Search" box)...that may help you find what you're looking for!



yeah, advanced search is nice when you are looking for something specific but what I am trying to say is that reading a digest is like NPR radio, you don't know you are interested in something unless you run across it or hear it....the hot threads work as a sorta digest but they scroll thru quickly and then you have to go to the forum list and sort by replies.  It works but it is just different.  Not bad, different!

TinaHilton (not verified)

This is a great idea Tien.  I think this will really speed up my hemstitching. 

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