I am weaving on an 8-shaft 64" countermarche built in 1947 in Stuttgart Germany by Jakob Jost. This is the sum of all my knowledge about this loom! It has taken 3 years to get everything back in weaving order, and I am very happy with it. In moving heddles around for the next warp I discovered I am short on heddles. There are 4 harnesses that use 28cm and 4 harnesses that use 30cm. I dont know why there are 2 size harnesses, they all are from the same (German) mfr, now extinct. I have a combination of twisted wire and inserted eye heddles but cannot find, on a North American or worldwide web search, wire heddles in these sizes. 1: does anyone know a source for wire heddles in these sizes? 2: Texsolv comes in 280mm. There is also a 300mm with a very long eye opening, or 318mm with the smaller opening. So, I could order these and use them on the existing harnesses.They would be a special order and take a long time to get at additional expense compared to the standard texsolv available at the corner store. BUT..... 3: I have to have a dummy treadle tied to all the lower lamms to balance the weight of the harnesses against the lamms and get good sheds, decent height treadles, and not have the lamms hit each other. SO, I'm thinking about making new harnesses in the Scandinavian style to use "standard" texsolv. These would be much lighter than the current wodd and metal (lots of metal!) frames on it now. The question is, which standard heddle length should I aim for, 11 (shorter than existing) or 12.5 (longer than existing). I'm inclined to go longer because my best flyshuttles are the older industrial style and require a larger shed than the modern shuttles. Also, being larger, I can pack more weft onto the pirns! My sketching this out has arrived at no conclusions, I'm hoping group-think can Thank you Rachel in MA