The first photograph is self explanitory. It is a two shaft counterbalance loom. The roller is piece of bamboo hung from a frame by a couple of loops of rope. The beater is hung from the rollers by a couple of pieces of rope. The breast - cloth beam is a square timber with a hole on each end that fits over a verical peg. Tto advance the cloth the weaver loosens the warp and lifts beam. She then winds some finished cloth onto the beam and replaces the beam over the pegs. the pedals are a pieces of bamboo.
This picture shows the warp end of the loom. It is about thirty feet long. Before advancing the cloth the weaver must release the warp, when she has advanced the cloth she must retension the warp.
This picture shows the cloth the weaver was making. the pattern is the resuli of a verigated weft. you can see how the beater is held together. The heddles consist of two threads, one looped around the top shaft and the other arounp the bottom shaft. The top and bottom loops intersect each other..