Plan to attend Lambtown USA, Dixon Calif, Oct 3 2009

Livestock, Fiber Fair, Fine Arts

Visit the website for more info

I've been there a couple of times before and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Have a good day!

Franco Rios


Cathy (not verified)

Thanks for posting this Franco.  I have been to Lambtown too and loved it, although usually forget to look for it and never see any advertising for it in my area.  I will mark my calendar.   It was the first place I had ever seen sheep dog trials.  If anyone attends, be sure to spend at least a little bit of time watching these amazing dogs.  

francorios (not verified)

I'm not even sure I can attend this year since I have to work that Saturday at least in the morning.

I wonder if we can wear Weavolution name tags so we can recognize each other?

Have a good day!


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