This is my process for multiple skeins. I never promised KISS. but this works for me. i can do 2 roasters or 24 skeins in 4 hours. or i could do 4 skeins in 4 hours. what would you do?! except for boring beige, this is my process:

In the roaster, i have 3 rows with 4 jars. Each row is 1 hue.

Then I assign each column is a DOS. There are 3 jars in each DOS, 4 columns with 3 DOS. Each column would be one DOS.

I put my salt for each skein in a weigh boat prior to adding the dye to the water. My system would be to take the top boat of salt and put it in the top jar of the column. i had to come up with ways to remember! also the salts ontop of the soda ash stock because it goes in first!!

I did end up making stocks of soda ash, because i was running 2 roasters. To do this, i determined how much water went into a quart jar, and did the math (!) for 0.25, 1, 2, 4 for the soda ash. Once they were mixed, i capped them and put the 4 stocks in a pot on the stove to keep them at 60ºC. When i was ready for the soda ash, i weighed out the amount needed for each skein. I would do all of the first column (0.25). then move on to the next column (1) etc.

Sorry it took so long to post this! but i imagine you understand.





dancingfish (not verified)

Mary, thanks for explaining how you do this; you make it look very doable. Are you using a rack or spacer under the jars in the pot on the stove? I need to attempt something like this since it looks like I need to redo my pure colors! Linda

dancingfish (not verified)

How are you dealing with removing the skeins for adding salt, soda ash, etc. Are you removing only one at a time, and adding, replacing, before moving on to the next, or are you removing all (and to what), adding to all, replacing? This is one of the things I struggle with when I do more in parallel.. Thanks, Linda

Mary Rios (not verified)

At these times, i wish i was an octopus. One at a time. I take the skein and hold it over the jar, taking care not to move because 1 drop would contaminate the next jar. i have a long handled metal spoon. Spoon and Skein in left hand, raised above the jar. Pour in salt or soda ash water with right hand, put that down, and stir with the spoon, drop skein. 

I also pour the soda ash water in 3s. First 3 jars have the 0.25 according to volume, stir and repour the 1 etc...

it's not that hard, but conentration is vital. no tv, no telephone, no husbands or pets can break that concentration!


Anne Vincent

I was wondering about that, too.  I have to remove the fabrics from the dye baths to add the salt and soda ash so I take each dye bath out of the common bath one at a time to avoid contamination.  Oh for a zip tie and skein.  That would make it go faster.  I think my maximum would be 9 dye baths at a time, but since I have the soda ash mixtures heating in the common pot I can only do 4 dye baths at once.  

I'm dyeing down in the basement laundry room and husbands don't normally tread there so I can really concentrate. 

dancingfish (not verified)

Mary, have you tried doing the hot 90C synthrapol wash in a roaster?  Just wondering if roasters are able to get jars up to that temp quickly enough.  Trying to plan out how I would do all the washdown phases with six different hues.  

I have just gone and bought a whole bunch more jars, so I seem to be committing to this experiment!

I'm dyeing in my garage, and since the garage door has been open a few times while I've been doing this, I'm sure the neighbors are certain I'm running a meth lab!



Mary Rios (not verified)

I can't get my roaster to that high of a temp - i do it in a pot on the stove -

do you have water in the garage? i'd like to find another place than my kitchen so i can leave everything out... no water in my garage - but i suppose i could use a hose. 


dancingfish (not verified)

I have a hose with hot water in the garage.  But I don't have a sink, so have to take things (with dye, soda ash and synthrapol) inside to dump or wash them, which is a hassle.  In and out, in and out.  I'm trying to decide if I want to have a utility sink installed in the garage, or set up some space in my studio upstairs.  I do have a cheap hot plate by my roasters in the garage and that's what I've been using for the hot stuff.  Have to be careful not to overload a particular electrical circuit too, so most of my stuff is on the 20amp circuit in the garage.



Anne Vincent

What brand of hot plate are you using?  I think mine has a temperature limit to prevent reaching the boiling point as I can only get it to simmer (though it is just below boiling).  My canner would boil, but I'd have to empty out all of the other stuff just to do the wash with the Synthrapol and I usually have another dye bath ready to go while the previous one is in the washing out phase.

Mary Rios (not verified)

two roasters and a coffee pot blow my circuit!


dancingfish (not verified)

I have this cheap Rival one that I got a few years back:

The right burner is 1000W and the left is 500W.  I have no problem boiling water on the large burner, but have only used smaller (5 qt) pots so far.  I'm going to try a larger pots on it this weekend so we'll see how it does.

[edit: the pots I've used so far were actually 6 qt]
