If you check Weavolution over your monring coffee, like I do! This is a great place to share anything that's on your mind, your weaving, pontificating, etc.! :)


Erica J

It's a bit of a dreary day here in the UK. It seems appropos as much of the country mourns the death of the Queen. I believer her body is still lying in state in Edinburg and will be moved down to London later in the week. It is still feels a bit odd that the national anthem is again God Save the King. I knew it would revert to that when she passed, but it's still weird.

I started putting on a new warp this weekend. It's a narrow, but long warp. It is a green warp only 14" wide and 14 meters long.  I used 3 different greens that are similar, and wound hold one of each color because I wanted to get the warp wound quickly. The final cloth will be well fulled, so I don't think you'll see a difference in the colors in the final cloth. 

About half the warp will be cut into Persian motifs and appliqued onto a coat made of cloth I wove. The remaining half will be used for gifts!

Erica J

Good Morning,

I had an appointment this morning, so I had the morning off from work. I was able to spend about an hour at the loom threading! It was very relaxing, which I needed to day.

The weather here is a little brighter today. I'm ready for fall colors, how about you?!



Condolences, Erica, on the death of your Queen.  It is the end of an era in many ways.

I haven't been in here for a while.  Looks like some things have changed.

I am in the planning phase of a new weave.  I have some odd bits left from previous projects, plus I need some more dish towels.  Sooo...  I have shades of orange and beige, a little purple, and some blue and white.  Should make for some interesting towels.

First, I need to revisit the weaving calculator and relearn how many yards in a pound of cotton.  It's been a while...

Erica J


This sounds great! I can't wait to see your weaving!

Erica J

I've been doing a lot! A lot of weaving. I have woven about 14 meters since August, 2 different quite long warps. I've obviously spent a lot of time in the studio, which is wonderful. I've also spent quite a bit of time working on a new look for the site. As I type this the site is in new look "alpha", the colors aren't right. I hope to have the colors fixed tonight we'll see. I hope you all like the new look!