I hope this is an acceptable place to post this- I'm new here!

Someone local is selling a "Varpapuu floor loom" with an 8' weaving width. It's definitely beyond my skill level right now to be producing/investing in 8' pieces. I am a relatively new weaver using a Leclerc Inca jack loom, but I would love to have the ability to make larger pieces down the road [blankets and rugs], and the price can't be beat [she wants next to nothing for it], so I am tempted to take it and just store it until I can use it. That said, there's very little info in the ad and she claims to have bought it and never assembled it, so I will not be seeing it up and running. I'm hoping someone with more experience can tell me what I should ask/look for and also what model this might be from the photo she provided [from her original purchase] as my attempt to google it has turned up nothing. The only tag on it says "Varpapuu Pieksamaki Finland", no model info.

Any insight you could give me into this mystery Varpapuu would be much appreciated! 



I am not familiar with Varpapuu looms, but that looks like a really nice 4 shaft countermarche loom with a sectional beam and the option to change to an overhead beater. I would snap it up.

Sara von Tresckow

The Varpa FINLANDIA loom is certainly not a mystery loom. Just because it wasn't made in N. America doesn't render it unknown. This is an excellent loom built until the late 1980's or later and is similar in construction to the Toika Liisa. Weavers preferred the underslung beater for rugs and it can be converted to overhead (see if the overhead kit from the Toika Liisa will fit).


It's a big loom - but really nice. there's lots of info. available online including this manual. http://fiberarts.org/weavers/Varpapuu/Varpapuu.pdf


Thanks everyone! Sarah von Tresckow I made no implication of looking down on it for being made outside of N America, nor meant to imply that it was unknown to anyone save for me- in fact this whole post sits on the hopes of it being known to someone more experienced! And it was- the Finlandia! Thank you for this, now I can properly dig through the google archives for more info. :)


[hit enter on my reply too many times! ]

Finn Sisu

I thought this was the Finlandia model so glad to hear from others that is what it is. I brought this home beginning of December and have slowly been assembling it. 


Hey, I have that same Inca jack loom.  I do not have sectional on now, but do have LeClerc sectional pieces- did you put your on yourself?  Also, is your beater in the right place?  I just found out mine is not- was having bottom tension issues and someone pointed it out according to the Inca manual from Camilla Valley Farm...  

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