It has been a long project, but I am just about ready to put my first warp on this home-made loom. It is a Flying-8 loom designed by Andreas Muller. Plans are available from his web page (just serarch for Flying-8 Loom and you will find it). It is an 8 harness countermarche loom that is made from common materials. It is designed to be a functional, production loom. It has features that I would have included if I were to design my own loom, that is why I chose this design. It has been fun and I can't wait to weave my first production warp. I am going to make some scarves with tencel and a crackle weave pattern. I'll post some pictures of the final product when I have them finished. I hope the picture is OK. I can't seem to get it to load in the proper orientation.



Nice job!!!! Have fun!  Why did you decide not to add the flyshuttle?


This is still a work in progress. The flying shuttle will be added as soon as I am eager to do so. Right now, I was just wanting to get a small and narrow project on the loom so that I could do some weaving again after many years of inactivity.


What a great job! How's it weave?

I have the books but have not built yet... I hope to next year.

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