

Love the plan... can't wait to see the finished photos!

r1mein54 (not verified)

Like the others say - can`t wait to see the finished product.  Meanwhile ,,,,still experiencing that "shaft envy" thing. I guess I need to save up my overtime pay separately and trade off and get an 8 shaft loom.

Alison (not verified)

The extra shafts certainly give one some more range.  But one can do so much with only 4 too.  I'm focusing on fewer shafts right now (despite tripping over into 8) because it requires I think differently and use more discipline.

I'm reworking the placemat drafts yet again to maximize my use of my available yardage.  Right now it looks like extra color stripes, white weft for 6 and one blue and one purple weft.  I'm not quite there yet.  Close.  Also, I'm trying to get 8 different center patterns.  I may settle for four since I also want to get these made and delivered.


Very nice Alison. I have not done many striped pieces. Just one. It is block damask, striped in warp and weft. And I guess tartans, which is a twill plaid I suppose. Have not explored Huck yet. Give me time. :)

r1mein54, there is lots to explore on 4 shafts and you can adapt many 8-shaft drafts to a 4, just as you can from a 16 to an 8. You don't get the fine detail, but it's can be interesting to find alternate ways. If you haven't one of the weaving programs, some are free, some have demos and they will spark imagination and determination. :)

In my instance, weavingis  kind of like wood working. I can gleam through a dozen magazines for inspiration, but 99% of the time I design and built my own.

Don't dispair, explore and have fun. :)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I have enough 3/2 to make 8 place mats and should have some left over. The challenge - 8 different placemats, 8 shafts, and using the available colors: 50% white, 25% blue, and 25% purple. So here I go. I started with Suzie Lile's basic pattern then regridded it, added color, huck corners, and used extra shafts to make each different. This is the first time I've woven 3/2 cotton in years. It is a treat - almost feels like cheating!

2/25/13 - I've wound, beamed, and tied on the next warp for 8 mats and a runner. Also a wedding gift - this time in conservative neutral.

Tying on - I followed Peggy Osterkamp's guidance (Book 2). Turns out the Baby Wolf is perfectly configured for tying on. It was easy to get the ends across from each other. One has to get comfortable tying square knots in the air but it was fast and easy.

Both sets are complete. The multi color set came out nicely. The neutral would have turned out great but the cotton was not as nicely spun and I was picking off cotton lint. I was told it was UKI, so I don't know what the problem was. It was also much more difficult to iron. Pictures eventually...

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit