
B P (not verified)

Lucky you to acquire these yarns at a yarn swap at your local Guild! (May I ask which Guild you belong to?)

Your woven alpaca stole is looking very smart so far.......any chance of a pic of the piece when it's finished?


Susan Styrchak (not verified)

Hi Beth, I have been a member of the Manitoba Weavers and Fibre Artists for a long time.....It's funny, but I have bought back some yarn that I took to a yarn sale some time before, but the second time I knew what I was going to do with it. I will take a picture when this is finished, but we have to get to the lake a few more times this summer.  I took my old counterbalance out to the cottage when I got another loom and didn't have room for them both at home....  I make the warps at home and have learned to make notes about what the warp is for- one spring I went to the lake and couldn't remember what I was going to do with the warp on the loom, it had been so long since I put it on.....

B P (not verified)

Hi Susan, that is rather amusing.....coming home from a yarn swap with some of your old yarn!

Weaving at a cottage by a lake sounds kind of idyllic, very restful.

Looking forward to seeing a pic of the finished stole.


Susan Styrchak (not verified)

Yikes. It looks good, but it's scratchy! the yarn seemed soft enough in the balls and didn't have a lot of hairs sticking out, but I don't know what to do with it now it's done. I've already washed it in Eculan and soaked it in fabric softener.... Go on to the next project, I guess.

B P (not verified)

Sorry to hear that you are dissapointed with the 'hand' of your alpaca stole. That's a shame, especially as you sound pleased with the finished design.

Perhaps you could sew a linning of soft fabric onto the back of the stole, and then quilt the two layers together? .....(Just an idea.)

You could also try posting on the Weaving Forum. Maybe someone will have a better suggestion on how to reduce scratchyness in weaving.

Hope you find a workable solution!


Susan Styrchak (not verified)

I thought about lining it, but it seemed counter-intuitive as the idea was for it to be light??? I will think about it some more....

Susan Styrchak (not verified)

I don't know where the comments went that I added yesterday??? Anyway, if you didn't read them elsewhere, there was a happy ending- I took the stole to a guild meeting and everyone agreed it wasn't good against the skin- someone suggested weaving it over a winter coat-that was kindof a thing a few winters ago- but I said anyone who wanted it could have it and the lady who brought a suitcase full of show-&-tell asked if she could have it- one of her sons had moved into a house with big empty white walls and she thought she could make it into a wall hanging. Hurrah! 

francorios (not verified)

I'd like to see a picture of the finished item. It looks great on the loom.

I also had an experience with scratchy alpaca. I still have the scarf I knitted but it is worn over my shirt collar!

Have a good day!

Finished Length Unit
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Got the warp yarns at a yarn swap/guild meeting! Thrilled to get to use up some of my leftover alpaca..... thought weaving six or seven feet of tabby would be boring so I put in some leno- didn't have a pick up stick, at the cottage, so I used the end of an artist's paint brush to pick up ends and a ruler as a shed stick -

Number of Shafts
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