
Neshobe (not verified)

For some reason, the form will not post the yarns.  The warp is a combo of orange and blue-grey cotton in stripes. 

Weaving By the River (not verified)

The color combination and how you worked them into the stripe pattern is very nice.  I like the locked loop edge too.  

I've been doing some rag weaving with light weight material on a rigid heddle with the idea of making a vest or something wearable so that edge would work well and wear well I think.  I'll have to give it a try next time!!

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This is a case of using family to practice and learn on: thus the name of the rug, which I made for my daughter.  I combined left-over blue-grey unmercerized cotton warp with a mercerized orange cotton to make a simple,.balanced stripe.  I was ready for the blue-grey this time, so warping went a little easier. This is the first of two rugs I wove on the warp; the second is a little shorter and simpler. I'll post it separately. 

My daughter wanted something colorful, so I selected several rolls of plain and patterned rag strips, largely blues and oranges from a box I had picked up at a weaver's studio sale, and worked out a rough pattern.  I kind of winged it, changing things to create a more pleasing pattern as the weaving progressed. My daughter really likes the subtle interplay of the warp stripes on the weft stripes: not really a plaid, but nice colorplay.  shots a few times.

HOWEVER, I wove this when I was just coming down with flu, and managed to make one of the most fundamental mistakes of all: I forgot to secure the beginning of the rug and started weaving rags right after the padding. Duh.  Didn't even notice until I took the rug off the loom.  (On the positive side, my selfedges are much improved.)  Not knowing quite what to do, I simply tied off pairs of warp threads with a granny knot. 

Hurriedly looked in Peter Collingsworth, and first tried a woven edge, which was quite simple (and satisfying) but I decided it didn't really fit the rug.  I finally muddled through how to tie a locked loop edge so it was pretty even, leaving just enough warp for a short fringe. 

Every time I made one of these goofy mistakes, I learn not only not to do that again, but also at least one creative way to fix my mistake.  And acquire something I can use on purpose on some other project.  That is one of the reasons I love weaving! 

PS: This is the last time I warp up with that blue-grey.  It came with the loom, and I wish I knew the brand so I could  make sure to avoid it in the future.  The orange handled beautifully. 

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