
52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

THAT GAL SURE GETS ME ' ON - TRACK "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have one.  Original owner since 1976.  Even found a copy of a manual.  It takes some time to get use to but I have woven great things off it.  Love the swinging beater!


sally orgren

Keep posting your progress! I am sure you'll find the help you need here at Weavolution, as we can all relate. If you know anything about weaving, chances are good you'll get asked to rehab a loom at one time or another.

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

THANK-YOU-KINDLY for your comments, that's what Weavolution is all about and makes us better weavers (my opinion). Gimmee-more about that ' swing'n-beater ' and a manual sure would be handy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on that '76, Louisa, I got started in '79, will be 87 on 1/15/11.

kbird (not verified)

Thanks for posting some of your loom restoration project pictures here.  I had tried to find some of them on Rugtalk and unfortunately couldn't find them.

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

HEY-THERE-kbird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank-You-Kindly for your interest in our activities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just got back in town and checked all blogs, etc.  Please try again @ Rugtalk, PHOTO ALBUM # 54 - FROM " OUR CHERRY-LOGS----- & # 55 - FROM A ' PILE - OF - PARTS----

Please give us a comment there also!!!!!!!!!!!!

beverly lunan (not verified)

Tammye, Were you able to get the loom to work?  Is it easy to work with? 

52ZOZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

Would someone please give a comment on why this beater has a pivot-point at the top ???????????????

Leatherweaver (not verified)

My Mountain table loom also has a  beater that pivots at the top. It is wonderful. They are designed for finer weaving. (not rugs) It gives you a much bigger area to weave before you need to advance. This is great when you are already working on a small loom. I love mine! I've even thought of remaking the beater on my other table loom into a swinging  beater.

Dawn McCarthy

I believe it pivots in order to strike the fell line perpendicular to the warp which is a good thing!


THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

HEY-THERE DAWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank-You-Kindly for that response and it makes sense, but it also confirms my think'n that this loom is not able to ' BEAT ' the rag-rugs that we are used to mak'n, so will proceed w/ restor'n for lite-cloth- duty!!!!!!!!

We are curious to know what you 'lillstina-weavers' have been do'n ???

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)


THANK-YOU-KINDLY for your response (just git'n-back from FL) That gives me an idea about try'n-it on our MECO (24-4H) we use for teach'n & sampl'n !!!!!!!!!!!! 

pine tree (not verified)

I have also restored a Lillistina.  I like the quiet workings and the light counterbalance treadling.  Love the long weaving distance w perpendicular beat.   It is a  bit tricky to keep everything balanced.  I have woven linen towels, overshot runners and scarves on it so far.

I do have a problem - perhaps you have a solution-- the crossbars that hold the string heddles keep getting off track- both at the top and the bottom of the vertical grooves on the loom frame.  How have you solved it?  Thanks. 

pine tree (not verified)

The metal band friction brake system is very awkward and design is problematic.   I have read all the previous postings and have the Thought Products Cassandra  4 shaft manual, but problems still exist.  Has any one redesigned the system ?  Solved the wobble of the angled brake peddle on a perpendicular bolt-  the wooden stop pin has cracked. How do you reduce slippage of metal band on metal brake drum?  

Does anyone have the 8 shaft manual with the directions for use of the second back beam?    Thanks 

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)


Sorry for just-now-git'n-bac, as we had serious health-problems arise w/ our holiday guests ( KIN ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not completed enough of the restoration that I can evaluate your shaft-problem, as we intend to replace all-linkages using TEXSOLVE, then test operation before going-on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One might try making one frame ridgid by using 1/2" X 1/16" AL flat-stock across the ends, then checking for improved performance.

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

On our 3 NEWCOMB looms, using some type of fine grit ( from pumice to fine sand in a salt-shaker ) has proven succesful !!!!!!!!!

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

YEAH-ME-TOO, We are along-ways-off ! ! ! ! ! !


I have also restored a Lillstina. Got it for free from a friend! Just now getting it all tied up - had to replace all the tie ups with texsolve and added new texsolve heddles as well. Problem was that I took the old stuff off immediately after getting the loom and wasn't quite sure how to get it all put back together. Everyone's pictures have helped! Thanks! I am still struggling to get everything balanced and then I have to remember how to warp... It's been a while! Wish me luck. I'll try to post some pictures when I get everything up and running.

THE OZARK WEAVERS (not verified)

HEY-THERE-akblanch ! ! ! ! You sound lucky already, GOOD-LUCK-AHEAD-ALSO - - - - - - -

That's the way I'm 'head'n too, not be'n-in-a-hurry, I think I will let you lead the way, be'n's the wife is in-for O/H/BYASS next week. I will try to keep in-touch-as-time-allows. THANK-Y'ALL-KINDLY for your interest ! ! ! ! ! !

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Found @ OLD MAIN STREET ART GALLERY on-the-SQUARE in Yellville, AR during our ' WEAV'N - DEMO ' @ " TURKEY - TROT - FESTIVAL " on 10/07/10. Belonging to the ' Gallery ', we were asked to " MAKE - IT - WEAVE ", and we said ' OUR - PLEASURE - MAM " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  & took it back-home to the studio/shop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!           SOOOOOO---another ' PROJECT - STARTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit