
bolivian warmi

Spectacular! I love the soft colors so the transition from one image to the other is not harsh.

sally orgren


Any chance you are coming to NM in July? If so, I would love to meet you! (We have a meetup planned for 5-6 outside the vendor hall on Thursday.)

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Thanks Laverne.  I bought a box of mixed Berber over the Internet and there were 7 different yarns -- different thicknesses and colors.  All had the garnetting that characterizes Berber.  I've tried to find out what kind of wool Berber is, since it is very coarse.  Likely from goats I think, and as far as I know it isn't dyed -- natural colors are blended.  All of them are singles, and some are very thick.



Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Hi Sally.  I have no plans to go to ABQQ -- I wish.  I really appreciate the sentiment -- I'd like to meet you too!  Where do you live?  I'm near Calgary, Alberta, Canada.



Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Thanks so much, Laura.  These are very different from the fine weaving you do.  But in the spirit of "it's not finished until it's wet finished", I wash all my rugs in my front end machine and dry them in the dryer.  They get a bit smaller, a bit thicker, and the feel/drape/texture is *massively* improved.  Thanks for all your tips over the years.


Karren K. Brito

The interlocking falcons one is stunning.  I love tessalations, interlocking motifs.  Complex, geometrical, and sophisticated use of color.  You should enjoy this from many angles and for many years.

sally orgren

Canada? Bummer— I am in New Jersey!

We have a guild mate who travels two hours south from Narrowsburg, NY to attend one of our meetings, and we like to *kid* her that she practically LIVES in Canada (from our perspective anyway!) 

I'll bet I must have missed you when Convergence was in Vancouver 02? (That was my favorite one so far, and I have been going since '98.) I felt like the whole city threw out the welcome mat for the weavers, it was astounding! And when I crossed customs into Canada and declared the reason for my trip to the bored agent, he immediately came to full attention and exclaimed, "Wow! How many of there ARE you?" (Apparently a lot from his perspective!)

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Thanks Karren.  It sounds like you and I share an aesthetic as those are all aspects of imagery that I really like too.  In my case I think its partly because of my math background, and partly because I can't draw.  I was fortunate enough to be in Portland Oregon last year when a museum there had a huge exhibit of Escher's work.  I've always admired what he did, all with pencil and paper (and I suspect a couple of erasers) -- I do all my designing with CorelDraw on the computer and it's still very difficult.


Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Sally, if you ever have reason to travel out this way please let me know, and I'll do the same if I'm ever in your area.



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