I was just (yesterday) gifted an old Toika loom and am beginning my research on how to set up this beauty. I have two jack looms, so this is my first experience with a CM. This Toika is so old, it's actually a Toijalan Kaidetehdas (see attached photos). The only thing I know about CM tie-ups is that there seem to be a few different methods out there. This loom was tied up with some sort of old cord/linen stuff, so I will need to invest in Texsolv and the plastic bits used in attaching, but I don't know exactly how much I will need. I would love some advice on knowledge resources I should be reviewing as I work my way through learning how to set up and operate this loom. Do I need to start with basic CM info, is there anything I should be considering specific to this loom, what are various tie-ups I should be considering, etc. Thank you in advance for any insights!