I am warping my new-to-me Baby Mac, and I am using the lower warp beam, with a friction brake. I can't get the brake cable to release the drum in order to advance the warp.  If I adjust the turnbucle all the way out, I can get it to turn a little, but I can hear the drum grating against the cable, which probably means that the cable is scoring the drum.   Does anyone have any tips for getting this to work?  Most of the posts about brake issues that I have seen are about trying to maintain good tension, but this is the opposite.



but lots of empathy.  Do you think something somehow lodged in between the cable and the drum?  I was just inspecting the cable on one of my loom's brakes, and found it to be filthy!


I don't think there's anything there.  After looking at diagrams of Leclerc brakes. I think that it may have the cable on backwards.


Is it a band on a wheel drum tensioned by a spring? When you pull the handle the band should expand. It is probably assembled wrong like you suspect. :)



I also have a Baby Mac, but have not used the secondary beam.  So I can't tell you if this is correct or not.  Cable on my Baby runs from the turnbuckle over the drum starting on the left (toward center of loom) winding twice and then terminating.  I can adjust my turnbuckle enough such that without a warp on the beam I can either turn it freely or not.  When just snugged up, the brake level releases enough tension that it turns freely.  Perhaps someone replaced the cable incorrectly?


I also have a Baby Mac, but have not used the secondary beam.  So I can't tell you if this is correct or not.  Cable on my Baby runs from the turnbuckle over the drum starting on the left (toward center of loom) winding twice and then terminating.  I can adjust my turnbuckle enough such that without a warp on the beam I can either turn it freely or not.  When just snugged up, the brake level releases enough tension that it turns freely.  Perhaps someone replaced the cable incorrectly?


Thanks, Ricatiga! The mystery deepens.  Mine was wound the way yours is, but the beam would only turn to tighten the warp (clockwise), not to release it. I know I have the warp on frontwards; to wind the warp in the opposite direction, the top beam would keep it from going over the back beam.  I have reversed the direction of the cable and it will now release warp to advance it.  Why it won't work the way it is supposed to be wound I still don't know.


Well, the brake is working, but I've spent a lot time fiddling with it.  To get it tight enough to hold tension, it won't release completely and the warp is hard to advance; it's probably scoring the drum.  When I get this warp done, I'm going  to replace the cable with a coated one.  They seem to hold better and release more cleanly. Or maybe another ratchet and pawl.