Is there any way to get rid of the garbage that warkatokwa1 is leaviing and prevent them from posting this gibberish?



I think the administrators are the only ones who can do it.  And I believe they are on vacation in Italy now. 

I find the spam (and other things) discouraging,  Love love love this community, but the poor functionality of the site does get me down.


Spammers, whether employed by companies or hobbyists, dedicate most of their waking hours to their goal. All web sites are plagued. Big companies can dedicate more time and money to thwart them.

As a former web designer and administrator for sites using Drupal Content Management, I would recommend the Mollom module. The free version of Mollom should be adequate. It still requires an administrator to spend time, but does make it quicker. Suspicious new Users and Comments are placed on a holding list for approval. If there is someone you trust, ask them to volunteer and give them restricted permissions to be your Spam Monitor.

While our fearless leaders are on vacation, we will snub the spammers. They hate being ignored.