December already!  Where did the time go?  My cones of yarn and color card for the challenge are still sitting on my project shelf.  Maybe next month will see some action:-)



still in the sack I brought home from the store. Sigh! Realistically, nothing is going to get done on this until after the first of the year.


I obtained a duplicate color card, and sent it to the woolery.  They made a great attempt to find close matches, but mostly suggested I purchase their yarn color card.  Not bad at $3, but on-line ordering would add $7.50 in postage.  I feel stuck.


If they could not match it, buying their color card would not solve the problem. I found a version of my main color, then had trouble finding the variations. Think about how to fool the eye. What could be done to change the colo?

Use 2 yarns intertwined as one thread.

Put another color, a gray, or a cream row next to it.

I agree your color card is a challenge to match, even for mixing dyes. Maybe take the main color and test a small bit by tea staining. That may give a variation. 

Halcyon is also a good shop for when you need recommendations.

Edited --------------

Lots of golden retriever brown shades in a 10/2 cotton

Erica J

I was going to suggest Halcyon as well!!! I love the Woolery too! They both have great selections, but Halcyon seems to have every color in a variety of fibre!

Joyce (not verified)

I've had so many other irons in the fire, it made sense to put this challenge on hold until after the first of the year.  And I just recently found my color card.  Now to find the yarn I bought at Convergence that I picked to start this challenge!


Started my first of combination Color Study/Color Challenge projects. A plaid to see how the colors change when warp and weft change in 2 sage greens + safari white.

Planned the design. Two start overs on threading the warp due to indecision on the sett. Starting over tonight. Changed the plaid design to more narrow strips to allow for a repeat of the colors. Added a single thread of a subdued orange as an accent.

Before starting the new warp, I will need to remove 8 inches already in the rigid heddle.


I was at my local Ace hardware, and picked up yet another copy of my colors, this time to send to Halcyon.  Does that count as progress?  I do think it will be easier once the holidays are past us. 

I am always captivated by how colors interact.  I look forward to seeing your sample.

Erica J

I think I'm going to be cutting it fine. I do have the yarns, or near enough. I want to finish up the color and twill sample on my loom, then experiment a bit more, before I make a final decision. Worst case scenario, I have a stripe draft to fall back on, but I want to experiment more before I decide.

Erica J

I think I'm going to be cutting it fine. I do have the yarns, or near enough. I want to finish up the color and twill sample on my loom, then experiment a bit more, before I make a final decision. Worst case scenario, I have a stripe draft to fall back on, but I want to experiment more before I decide.

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