Hi everyone.  I'm a beginner at the whole weaving adventure on a rigid heddle loom.  I just started my first project and I'm noticing that my lines I weave in are forming a v shape.  Any suggestions on how to get a straighter line?




Good day, Weave Raven. The article and video referenced below may help you. Please consider joining the Rigid Heddlers group.

Trouble with edges> http://www.weavingtoday.com/blogs/ask-madelyn/trouble-with-edges

How to warp a rigid heddle>  https://youtu.be/otYt5C4snuU

Rigid Heddlers group> http://weavolution.com/group/rigid-heddlers


Patty P

I am new to weaving, I have the Kromski Harp.  I am  thinking about using bamboo blind for winding my warp but not sure where to buy or what your recommendations are for best thing to use?


Many people do recommend the blinds.The most common source is second hand shops or yard sales. An import shop might have them inexpensively. You cut them to fit the width of your loom.

I shopped for the roll of craft paper and the cost was equal to a set of warp sticks from an online shop that sells rigid heddles. Our grocer no longer uses paper bags.