Hi- I have been on the hunt for an upright, floor stand tapestry loom with warp & cloth beams. Something like a Tissart perhaps. Alas, nothing has been coming up anywhere nearby- not even within 6 hours driving distance. (I am near Seattle.)

So I am considering other options. One that has occurred to me is that I could probably use an old floor loom and convert it to my needs. Right?  Has somebody else done this, or attempted it? I am interested in your experiences with that. Or any red flags you might have just from the idea? The beams and braking systems would be in place. I would possibly need to figure out a way to add more tensioning to any uprights... Ideas? 



moxie3601 (not verified)

Where are you located? There was someone selling a Tissart in the Milwaukee area late last spring. I believe she posted it on Weavolution.


that is my Tissart and I decided to keep it.


sarahnopp (not verified)

Thanks for the sugestion Moxie- I did see theresasc's Tissart when she had it posted, but I am in the Seattle area (OP edited to reflect that). I am still looking at all options, but this idea of coverting an old floor loom to use is still catching my fancy. Of course, so is converting a metal bed frame into a large frame type. LOL


actually, the best upright commercial tap loom would be the one that Glimakra sadly no longer manufactures. heaviest, best built, insert random supperlative here… I've both used and assembled/maintained several, all were beauties. mechanism was typical scandanavian engeering, good enough for jets but fits well in your living room <sales/> Wink