Once you have recieved your colors for this challenge, please share your thoughts and progress here! Contact me at Convergence or via PM or e-mail for your color assignment. :)



I tracked and captured several of the Gray Green Gang from my wanted poster. Now to rehabilitate these elusive strings into something useful. 

Gray green yarns & paint color chipThe lightest green paint color will be the pale blue green yarn. When placed next to green, the blue should fade in our vision.

The multi-color yarn has the green shades in it.

The yellow green yarn is to show how big a challenge this is for me. If my assignment was simply green yarn, this bright hue would be my choice. Good job making me stretch my brain.


I received my colors this week and they are not too bad I must say! Laughing I was having to get through in-service for my job when they came in. Now I have time to consider how I will use them.


They are not colors I normally go to first when wanting to make something, but they are pleasing colors I can become comfortable working with. Good neutral colors that will go well with my favorite color turquoise. I put my hand bead weaving beside them here in this photo to show how the turquoise does look nice with these colors.


I don't think I have any yarn in these colors, so I shall look them up online and see what I can find. I'm probably going to use one of my Hokett looms and make something in tapestry for this color challange. Will show my progress as I get going. Right now I have a fairly big project of hand sewing a woven beaded vulture picture for a dear friend.


Erica J

Look at you all!!! I am so glad this challenge has been so well received!!!

I picked my card and it is hanging on the refrigerator. I'm doing the keep it in plain sight and let it steep method. I am fairly sure I will start with 2-3" stripes of each color, test various wefts, then rethread the warp into varying width stripes.


I forgot what I was going to make. I will never again order fibers on back order. If my Halloweave seams go well, perhaps they will turn into a small throw rug, under the plant stand. It wouldn't get walked on. More like an oversized place mat.

It does state 8-12 weeks on back orders. I missed that part. Let's see. 8/20 + 12 weeks=11/05. Turning my attitude adjustment wrench. My loom and I will be busy with my Halloweave project in Oct.

Do you think I should order black or gray to adjust the color scheme for a winter palette? Or, I could adjust the ratio of these colors. Use more of the grayed green and blue; less of the brighter colors.

Color challenge palette



I am still not making progress with yarn purchase.  But my dog serves as a good reminder of my assigned colors.  Here is another reminder of how nicely the tans go with blues.tans and blues


sorry, things were not working right.


with your dog.  That doesn't quite look like weaving:-)  Great for inspiration. 


There are days the internet is not working, eh?  I'm working on a grant proposal, and your varied posts gave me a good laugh. 

The photo is just another inspiration for the tan plus blue color scheme.  Sorry, I will try to be more on topic next time.


[email protected]

This is not an ad for following me on Pinterest however my favorite images to pin to my yarn board are ones for multicolored yarns where the colors are taken from a photograph that is shown with the yarn.  It also applies to setting a palette from solid colored yarns.  The photographs show how the colors play together in domains such as nature.  


Whoa - I thought I'd be sneaky and see if I could find you on pinterest - you are crushing it, girl!

Erica J

I was thinking I have my colors in the lucious 16/2 Organic Cotton, but I may have accidentally ordered the colors from Halcyon Yarn in Harrisville Shetland. I am working on a piece that is color study related using the 3 primaries in the warp and using the 12 hues from the color wheel in the weft in various ways. I'll post that progress elsewhere in teh Color Study Group and let you all know which I decide on for my color challenge warp. Has anyone decided what they will be weaving with their colors yet? Are you sampling different setts, lifts, etc. before embarking on your final piece?


I think I am going to weave a matt for my dog's food and water dishes.  Boring, yea, but maybe she will appreciate it.  Something like an extra-large placemat.  Then, if inspired, I will move on to something more interesting.  But I don't see myself getting to this before January.  And I'm still researching yarns.

I love the colour study you are doing!  It sounds like a great idea, and I look forward to seeing it.


keeps changing.  I have colors that will work in 8/2, but I keep changing my mind on what I want to weave.  I am really glad we have a year, well, more like 9 months now.  Do we need a count-down warning:-)


Yes, that is something I need.  It would be GREAT to have a monthy count down, possibly in the form of a monthly thread.  I have to start teaching again in January, and I am writing yet another grant proposal, and I will need somthing to help me stay on this color-challenge task.  Great idea Theresa!


...I will be back on Color Challenge. The first step will be swatches to see what will fool the eye into seeing the other two colors.

Francine, how are your experiments with 'blending like make up' going?

[email protected]

I bought gradient 3 ply wool that can be split for tapestry style blending and space dyed pencil roving that extends range from white to burgund/magenta. I have no idea what I will make but I am expecting to create a warp-faced fabric. It won't be too wide since the widest looms likely to "host" the project are 16 and 18 inches wide with 16 and 8 shafts respectively.  Next steps are months away. 

Your happy procrastinator. 




that it will be very interesting to see what comes out of this challenge:-)  ...and when!


Color choicesIt's been a while since I received my color choices and now I have cleared the 'work' list a little I've started to look more closely.  The two darker choices remind me a lot of some of the very sandy/rocky areas of the Hindu Kush where I spent time a decade ago.  Everything is either sand/rock or made of sand/rock and at 10,000 feet the sky and any bodies of water are spectacularly blue.  I'm not sure what the project to best bring out these colors might be, but something to think about.



I looked the location up on Wikipedia and looked at your past projects. These came to my mind.

Mountains. I see a rug or placemats with a border of triangle shapes.

Textures. You spoke of water and rock. A rough texture in the golden browns broken by the blues in silky smooth fibers.


I was thinking of a rug but hadn't considered texture - which is a great idea.  I'll have to try some designs and color combinations.

Thanks for the ideas



...for my color challenge collection. Dovestone dk; 100% British wool; spun in Yorkshire, UK; purchased at Homestead Village in Waco, TX.

At the shop, t looked more sage green; at home, more brown. One of my experiments will be to manipulate a color by placing it next to another.Yarn for sage collection


I'm always surprised at how lighting, also affects color.  Have you used daylight?

I compared my color card to the dijon-yellow, in daylight, and its a fail. 


when it comes to col look at things in natural light but that is not always possible at a store. Glad you found something at Homestead.

Erica J

Yes daylight is the best for matching colors. I have replaced the light bulbs in my studio with daylight bulbs and it has been one of the best improvements I've ever made in the studio! No more taking things over to the windows, or worse realising that it's past 5 pm and winter time and thus going to the windows is not helpful since it's already full dark outside. :)

I just purchased a bunch of Harrisville Design yarns, hoping to find some good matchs. :)


I looked at Projects I had marked as Favorites for design ideas. Fabric design, not the projects. Most are too complicated for my loom and skill level. One of them I could evaluate to create a similar fabric.

= = = = = = = =


3 threads - white + a medium & dark of the same color

I especially like the way the darkest color has a pattern made with the white weft for variation and  the thin white divider line between rows.

Option 1: In my weaving notes is a simple plaid design: use the same 3 colors in the warp and weft in random strips.

Option 2: Weave the colors in horizontal bands. On the darkest band, use a 2nd  shuttle (color) technique to add the color pattern.


As I sat with my color studies in my studio I had to realize that it was impossible because of the light, so I have moved into our gardenroom. It has windows on 3 walls and lots of daylight. I was delighted at the change.

Erica J

Great ideas! I am going to do a blue red yellow color study, which will let me look at how blue interacts with other colors. Since I have blue as my main color, this will better inform my color challenge. I have been really interested in shadow weave for a while, so I might use this challenge to do more with that. But I  am also thinking that this might be a good opportunity to play with color and weave effect in Summer and Winter as well!


The first project fabric, accent colors to enhance color chip colors, failed because one of the colors was out of stock for months and then thè company reported it as discontinued.

The second fabric failed because I became too focused on finding the colors for a plaid. I found the two paint chip color values and a neutral. When I prepared the warp I realized the darkest value was too light weight to use as warp thread. I doubled the thread and positioned the darkest stripe between the two stronger colored threads. It did not break from the tension, but did break from the abrasion.

I will plan a 3rd project as soon as I get my mind right to unwrap and salvage the project 2 thread. It was expensive. I am resisting the idea to cut it and wad it up in the trash can.


... because of color finding challenges.  It did recently occur to me that I might find something at Michael's or Joannes - I would normally not consider buying knitting yarn, but maybe this is the right time to do it.  So in the new year, I will make a trip with my trusty color card in hand.

I do still have a silly project plan, so inexpensive knitting yarn would work just fine.


Since weaving rag rugs and pine needle baskets, the fact that weft yarn can be  anything has opened my thoughts to more possibilities for finding colors.  Plant material, ribbons, shoe strings. Any other things you can think of that resemble yarn?



OK, I am done purchasing cones of yarn that turn out to not be right.

I am settling with one that is a pretty good match (champagne UKI 8/2) and the best match to the others - one that is a bit too dark but I think the  hue is right.

Now to start moving forward on my weaving plans! 

How are all of you doing on this challenge?

Erica J

Great yarns! I'm glad you've decided! I look forward to your sampling!


I was just wondering what I should do for my next project.  Maybe color challenge sampling is in order. 

Laurie Schellinger

I am putting mg warp on the loom this weekend. I found yarn at convergence that I am using as weft. My warp is 8/2 tencel. I'll take pictures later.
Group Audience