Hi!  I have been weaving about a year, so I am still a newbie.  I have made quite a few items that I am quite satisfied with, but I am stumped on my latest attempt.  I am making a dresser scarf that I saw in Handwoven Magazine.  It is a crackle project, made with 10/2 perle cotton, 20 epi.  I am weaving on an old Norwood 22" loom.  The weft threads keep bunching up or overlapping each other, throwing off the pattern.  I wondered if I was beating too hard, but beating it softly didn't seem to help.  I have read that smaller looms are sometimes too light to really beat the fabric the way they should.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?  Thanks!



It sounds like you may be making a weft face textile.  Can you send us a picture?  If your sett is too wide, the weft will pack too much.


Hi; thanks for your response.  I don't think that is the issue, because I'm following the directions for sett and the same yarn used in the magazine.  But I will try to send a picture; any advice is appreciated.


i can't seem to figure out how to add a photo to my comments.  When I do, I'll put one up.


This Help page has a link to many How To's, including add images.



crackle projectHere is a pic of the project.  I hope you can see where the blue threads work under the white tabby threads.  There is a spot where everything bunches up.  i'm wondering if it has to do with the thinness and slightly slippery feel of the yarn.  This is the first time I have used perle cotton.  I have never had this happen on any other project.


Hi Sue,

To get a higher quality image, make sure to click "large thumbnail" and/or select to insert the original photo.  That is, each upload makes an original photo and a thumbnail.  You can look to see the size of each image.  If you put in the largest size image, we will probably have to resolution to see what you are refering to.  I know its a bit confusing, but once you've done it a time or two, its not so bad.


Thanks, everyone, for your comments, both in the weaving and the uploading of the pictures.  The procedure for uploading the pics does seem a little confusing.  Add to that, it doesn't seem to work on my iPad, only my computer.  On the weaving issue, I spoke to my instructor today.  She said that this sometimes happens with crackle and overshot, when the same harness is raised several times in a row.  What she said seems to go along with what I am seeing, so if I can't correct it, I'll just fix it as I go along.