Greetings -

I am researching the small variety for vertical floor looms that are sturdy enough for rugs. I know the options are somewhat limited. Looking at the Dryad loom as well as a few others. Are they any out there who have experience with such looms, pros and cons, possible sources. I have moved into a space that is more limited and this seems like a good option for me. Thank you for any information!  Nancy S



I have a LeClerc Tissart vertical rug loom.  It is a 2-shaft counter balance with a weaving width of 45".  It is dressed like a floor loom with both a warp and cloth beam and a beater that holds a reed.  I know they are no longer made, but you can find them on used loom sites and Craigslist.  I have had my ups and downs with the loom,  but that has mostly been my inability to put my thoughts to tapestry.  

I have only woven tapestries so far but I know that I will be able to weave beautiful weft faced rugs on it.  The loom is strong and sturdy and holds high tension well.  It is so much better to weave on than a couple of different styled frame looms that I have.