Recently acquired a new-to-me Artisat loom. It generally seems in good shape, but a bit grubby. The heddles had a bit of rust, so replaced those, metal rod cleaned up with a bit of 3 in 1 oil and some steel wool fairly easily. The trouble is the apron. It was grey and dusty on the top of the beam it was wound round. Does not look like mildew, a pretty even coat of grey just on top. I vacuumed it and when I run a very slightly damp cloth over, nothing comes off. Am hesitant to take the apron off, it is stapled to the beam and I am not sure I could fix it back on. And hesitant to try washing it. Any advice would be great!




Hi Weavingholiday, I don't think the Artisat is made by LeClerc anymore? I would suggest a couple of options If you want to replace the apron.The first would be to take off the greyed apron and use it as a pattern for the new apron using canvas. Then using a heavy stapler,  just staple back in a straight line on your beam. If your sewing machine can't handle the canvas, check around at sewing places( tailors, dry cleaners , etc) before taking the old apron off, and see if they can sew the canvas. Making it yourself will most likely be the less expensive.

Next alternative is to buy one from LeClerc, they probably still sell that size, or you might try Camilla Valley Farms they might sell that size too.

Good luck, hope this helps!




Thanks for this! Had not considered making a new apron, but am sure there is an upholstery place near by if my machine can't handle the canvas.