I am a newish weaver and I have never attempted a pattern that has "Use Tabby" as an instuctions.  I know that you are supose to inturspurse your pattern picks with Tabby picks.  My question is how do you do this?  For example the pattern picks are 3,2 - 2,1 -1,4 -3,4 3,2- and 1,2 (4 times)  so do you start with plain weave 3,1 -2,4 -3,2- 3,1-2,4 or do you split the plain weave? 3,1-3,2-2,4-2,1-3,1-1,4-2,4?  Or is it done some other way all together.?  I chose this project without realizing that it had "Use Tabby" but I know it is sort of common and I would love to get started on my project.  Please help.  I am making the commitment to do something to do with weaving everyday to grow my skills.


Sara von Tresckow

You execute the pattern picks in the indicated sequence. Between the pattern picks, you do one tabby pick, alternating between tabby A and tabby B.

You may need two shuttles.

Erica J

What draft/structure are you weaving? This will help me specifically explain what you need to do, if Sara's explanation is still confusing.


the truth is I don't know what the weave stucture is.  I am trying a table runner that I found on the Webs website.  I can tell you the first few treadle sequences.  Tha pattern picks are: 2,3 - 2,1-1,4-3,4-3,2-2,1-2,1-2,1-2,1  etc...    I have started and have clearly done something wrong.  Firstly I didn't use the wapr yarn for the tabby picks.  I used pattern yarn for all the picks both pattern and tabby.  So I need to start agian.  

Please help with a little more indepth description.  I think I am meant to start with a pattern pick say 2,3 - 1,3 2,1 2,4  so P Ta P Tb ?  

then follow with a tabby a pick of 1,3 then another pattern pick 2,1 followed by 2,4 the tabby b pick.  Is this right?



the truth is I don't know what the weave stucture is.  I am trying a table runner that I found on the Webs website.  I can tell you the first few treadle sequences.  Tha pattern picks are: 2,3 - 2,1-1,4-3,4-3,2-2,1-2,1-2,1-2,1  etc...    I have started and have clearly done something wrong.  Firstly I didn't use the wapr yarn for the tabby picks.  I used pattern yarn for all the picks both pattern and tabby.  So I need to start agian.  

Please help with a little more indepth description.  I think I am meant to start with a pattern pick say 2,3 - 1,3 2,1 2,4  so P Ta P Tb ?  

then follow with a tabby a pick of 1,3 then another pattern pick 2,1 followed by 2,4 the tabby b pick.  Is this right?


Sara von Tresckow

Maybe a good weaving book would be in order - if your loom is a jack, I recommend Anne Field's "Learn to Weave", for countershed, Laila Lundell's "Big Book of Weaving" or for table looms Anne Field's "Ashford Book of 4 Shaft Weaving".

Weaving is not all that difficult, but entails enough of a learning curve that just following something from an internet site without basic knowledge will only lead to frustration.


You are asking for advice, telling us what shafts you are raising, but we don't know how your loom is threaded or tied up.  The object is to raise the shafts that will left every other thread (in a twill tie up, this could be 1+3).  Then raise the shafts that will form a pattern shed, and insert the pattern weft.  Then raise the shafts that raise every other thread, the threads that were not raised in the first pick (for a twill tie up that would be 2+4).  Now you have woven tabby a, pattern, tabby b.  Usually the warp thread or something similar, is used for the tabby.

sally orgren

Pattern 1 (usually a thicker weft)

Tabby A (thinner, typically the same weft as the warp)

Pattern 2

Tabby B

Pattern 3

Tabby A

Pattern 4

Tabby B


Without seeing the exact draft, we don't know if your specific tabby is 1+3 vs. 2+4 (which is fairly common) or it could be a single shaft vs. "all the rest".

Also, if WEBS generated the draft, I'll bet you can always call them with your questions to get assistance.


Everyone, Thank you for your comments.  I am now clear on tabby vs pattern .  The tabby was 1-3 then 2-4.  Everytime I learn something to do with weaving it only leads to learning even more.  There is so much to learn.  I sadly have still done something wrong.  I am not sure what?  I have checked my threading sequence, my tie up, they seem fine, yet the design I am getting does not look like the photo that came with the pattern. It is close to the design but not exact.  I think I will pick up the book by Annie Fields along with a handweavers pattern book.  Maybe if I do a series of designed projects I will learn as I go.  I have been just picking out projects based on what they look like and that has taken me all over the map.  Thanks again.



Look underneath too :-)  Your pattern may be weaving on the bottom. Just check before making changes.



I did think to look underneath.  The pattern doesn't look right because the picks per inch is off.  There is a tabby shot followed by a pattern shot.  In the picture there is no space inbetween pattern shots, or atleast it looks like that?  So my peice looks different.  the patten picks that repeat on the same treadle don't seem to have tabby between them?  Maybe I am not beating hard enough?  I plan to weave this same table runner again now that I have a better sense of it and see if the second time comes out any closer to the picture.  It may look a bit different when I cut it off the loom?  


when you take the piece off the loom and wet-finish it, the length will decrease, probably by at least 10%. Weave several inches and do the finishing, first noting your original measurements and picks per inch, both under tension and off the loom. Once you've done that, the pattern may be closer to what's showing on the picture of the piece you're making.


First off, I gotta give you credit for jumping in head long and picking a draft that requires tabby and going ahead with it. It's not the easiest way of doing it, but the journey is the goal, not the destination.

It sounds like you may be doing an overshot pattern of some sort. I'm not sure.  You may not get the results you want this first time but you're learning something important in the process. Whatever happens it's all positive!

The tabby and the pattern threads are usually different thicknesses. The thinner tabby gets covered by the thicker pattern weft. That's probably why the picture looks different than yours sample.  Now that you know that, you can give it another try. If you've actually gotten the loom warped and threaded correctly, you've already accomplished a lot for a first try.

Weaving should be fun, but in the beginning it's a lot a lot of questions. Usually you try to iron out these questions before you proceed with the draft, but as long as you're this far....GO FOR IT! What's the worst that can happen? It's just string! Maybe you'll warp it up again and try it all over. (been there) It's not the end of the world. It could work out fine for you for a first try. But it's worth pursuing even if only for the educational aspect. Welcome to the world of weaving. You'll gain confidence and knowledge as you move along. Keep it up.


Yes, it has crossed my mind to do this project a second time.  I have a bit of a feel for what is involved now.  Yes, it is overshot.  The pattern weft is thicker then the tabby for sure.  In my first attempt the pattern picks do not totally cover the tabby so it does look a bit different.  there are sections where the pattern pick repeats 6 or more times.  I even started to wonder if I was meant to use tabby inbetween these repeated picks becuase they look like they are right on top of each other in the image?    I have a lot to learn.  Everytime I finish a project I am drawn to making a sampeler  of sorts. So I can work on different weave stuctures and really understand the realationship between heedle pattern and treadle sequance.    Thanks again for words of encouragement.  


Yes, it has crossed my mind to do this project a second time.  I have a bit of a feel for what is involved now.  Yes, it is overshot.  The pattern weft is thicker then the tabby for sure.  In my first attempt the pattern picks do not totally cover the tabby so it does look a bit different.  there are sections where the pattern pick repeats 6 or more times.  I even started to wonder if I was meant to use tabby inbetween these repeated picks becuase they look like they are right on top of each other in the image?    I have a lot to learn.  Everytime I finish a project I am drawn to making a sampeler  of sorts. So I can work on different weave stuctures and really understand the realationship between heedle pattern and treadle sequance.    Thanks again for words of encouragement.  


Have you wet finished the project yet?  You may find that it makes the pattern weft show up more.