• goal: plain weave sampler to test shrinkage in width
  • fiber: 8/2 cotton

We have discussed testing colors on a cardboard loom. Can you test for shrinkage with a cardboard loom? Say a 12 inch sampler from the cardboard loom shrinks 10% in width. Using the same thread, would the fabric woven on a rigid heddle with a different sett also shrink 10% in width?


sally orgren

When you go from little or no tension to any kind of tensioned loom, that's not apples-to-apples. Cardboard looms are not really applying tension, and even different types of RH looms have different ways to apply greater or less tension. 

For more specific information, the best bet is to sample on the intended loom before hand.

sally orgren

...is to check project pages and note yarn and loom used, and %'s. I would also look at similar structure (lots of floats or plain weave.) With an average of the data you find, you will be getting closer a realistic estimate than your cardboard sample could provide.


I had not thought to use Project pages. I will look for search filters and set a time limit. If the info is not found by the time the laundry is done, I will warp the loom.

(edited: Better search idea than going directly to Projects. Put 8/2 cotton in the main site search box and select Projects from the option list.)

Conclusion: Cardboard samplers for testing colors or techniques; loom samplers for testing shrinkage.