I began my first project on my Monster (floor loom) and experienced my first broken thread.  I have seen some variations of fixing the broken thread; however, my thread was broken in the back and trying to tie a not and continue has been frustrating.

Any other recommendations on how to fix this warp thread?  I do not want to waste the rest of my warp when I am almost done with the scarf.



Laurie Dux (not verified)

Get a long peice of warp thread and weight it at one end. Tie the other end to the broken thread (the broken part that is already partially woven in) and hang the weighted end over the warp beam. 

Next cut another long warp thread and thread and sley it next to the broken thread. Pin or masking tape it to the woven fabric. Weight the other end and hang that over the warp beam.

Weave both ends for an inch or so then cut off the original broken thread. If your new warp thread is long enough you can just weave all the way to the end of your warp. For weights I use old medicine bottles with coins in them. I can wrap a really long warp thread around it and let it out as needed.

Hope this helps.


Thank you so much.  Someone else gave me similar directions.  I will try it when I get home from work today.

I will report if I was a success or failure. 

Thanks again for the info!