Let us know if you're going. Our meet up is planned for Tuesday 2 August at 5 pm.

We look forward to hearing about your Convergence preperations and meeting whomever we can as soon as we can!


sally orgren

Since the exhibits and vendor hall won't open until Wednesday at noon, a better bet might be Thursday eve in the vendor hall, after the shuttle race, or Friday lunchtime, after the informal fashion show at the vendor stage, or sometime on Saturday, where there might be more local people who come for the day because they work full time.

Lots of options - just check the registration book to make sure you don't schedule a meet up for a time when a popular event may pull folks away.

I always enjoy meeting fellow Weavolutionaries!

Erica J


Thaks for the suggestions. We look forward to meeting all current member who are able to make it to Convergence and meeting many new members as well!

We asked for input on the time quite awhile ago, the form was sent out via the Newsletter and posted in several places on the site. We scheduled the Tuesday Meet Up based on accomodating the most people who took the time to provide input. We did also check the other scheduled events.

We know this time won't work for everyone and will be open to scheduling meals out or other meet ups throughout the week.

[email protected]

Turning the calendar to June brings us to the season of the upcoming Convergence.  I am filled with curiosity about everyone's plans and hopes for the big event.  

I am looking forward to my first multi-day workshop, 3WT012 Loom Weaving with Alternative Materials with Anastasia Azure (T/W/Th).  It would be great to have a Weavolution buddy in the workshop --spaces are still available.  I took Anastasia's Woven Metal Jewlery class at Convergence 2014 and can understand why that class is already filled!

I also signed up for Sara von Tresckow's seminar about manipulating aspect ratios particularly because of Sara's valuable presence here on Weavolution.  Unfortunately, I am not signed up for a class with Joanne Hall to whom I owe a great debt for getting me back to weaving with a Glimakra band loom.  

The overlapping of sessions helped to keep me from total overload.  I only recently received confirmation for time away from work so hotel choice was limited to Hyatt--curious if other Weavolution friends will be there too?

As Convergence approaches, I am eager for news about everyone else's Convergence plans. Meeting on-line friends is a high priority for me.  I will definitely be at the Tuesday meet up, hoping to continue to dinner with Weavolution friends.



Joanne Hall

Francine.  I will be teaching W, Th, F, but will be at the Glimakra booth on Saturday, so do stop by the booth to visit.


Erica J

I got one of the last few spots in JoAnne's Tapestry for Beginners class. I also siged up for the Studio: A Process workshop, and the Ancient Tablet Weaving Techniques workshop. Other than that I will be at our booth and popping into the booths of our advertisers to take a quick moment to meet them personally and thank them for supporting Weavolution!

I am very excited about all of it, but particularly excited about JoAnne's class as I'm a bit of a fan girl when it comes to Glimakra and JoAnne! :)

The tablet weaving class is taught by "our own" Inge Dam, whom I 'm also incredibly excited to meet in person.

Really I'm excited about Convergence full stop. I get to take some great classes, meet many of you all, hopefully meet new people and spread the word about the Weavolution. It will be so much fun!

I look forward to hearing about what everyone else will be taking. Anyone shopping for anything in particular?

Joanne Hall

Thanks Erica for the kind words.  I look forward to having you in the class.


tommye scanlin

There will be a session of ATA at Convergence that is open to all.  This is a speakers session by the two ATA workshop leaders, Aino Kajaniemi and Susan Iverson, and also the ever popular digi-slam (slide show of tapestries submitted beforehand by any member-2 or 3 each).  The session, called "Flexible Obsessions," will be Sat., Aug. 6, 10:30-1:30 at the Wisconsin Center.

sally orgren

In addition to the ATA gathering, there are a couple of other special interest gatherings happening in conjunction with the conference:


• Complex Weavers gather on Wednesday, August 3, 4:15-5:00


• TWIST (Tablet Weavers' International Studies and Techniques) will meet on Thursday, August 4, at noon


• There will be a Rag Rug Show & Tell on Thursday, August 4, 4:00


Typically, you don't have to be member of any of these organizations to attend their events. (I have attended them all over the years, and sometimes what you get to see and who you get to meet can be incredible.)


These gatherings provide a chance to learn about these organizations, see recent work, and meet some of the members. Even if you have just a passing interest in one or more of these topics, I would encourage you to pencil these gatherings into your schedule.


If you are feeling shy, just look for Tommye, me, or one of the other names you recognize from Weavo and come say Hi. (I am going to try and remember to include my avatar on my nametag, so you'll "recognize" me.)

sally orgren

I, too, took the wire woven class in Providence 2014, along with the lecture about Anastasia's process working with alternative materials on a traditional loom. It was a wowser, and she is now on my short list to take the workshop you are actually signed up for.


Also, I have seen some of the content Sara covers in her session on aspect ratio (plus, I have heard her lecture at past Complex Weavers Seminars). She typically delivers strong content and really makes you think. Again, this class is on my short list. (Lucky YOU!)


I hope you have empty looms when you go, because I predict you will have plenty of ideas you will be excited to try once you return home after just these two classes.


I hope Giovanna Imperia Designs will be a vendor, because I had to make a stop at her booth after Anastasia's 2014 class. (I imagine the same might happen again this year.)


And I don't think you'll have to worry about meeting weavers in your hotel. It just happens!

[email protected]

Thank you for your enthusiasm for my interests, Sally.  I love the idea of placing Weavolution avatars on Convergence nametags.  How do you plan on doing this?  

Giovanna Imperia is not familiar to me from Convergence 2014.  I pulled up the web-site and fell in love.  Now I will be very disappointed if Giovanna Imperia Designs is not in the vendor hall.  I also hope there will be bead vendors on hand.  These thoughts took me back to the HGA site to look for a list of vendors without success.  

I have multiple empty looms waiting for inspiration.  To give my long inactive looms the best chance to happily return to work, I have decided to vistit and evaluate each of the looms in my attic before Convergence. That includes my 4 harness counterbalance Gallinger loom, 2 MasterWeaver looms (narrow and wide), and my original combination warping board/frame loom.  My tools have scattered over the years, some forgotten and some given to others so inventory is also on my to do list before Convergence.





go on Friday, just for shopping.  I just do not have the time to take off of work this year for classes.  Convergence in Milwaukee is just too close for me to pass up a shopping binge.

Erica - You will really enjoy Joanne's class.  I took her tapestry class years ago when she came to Wisconsin Handweaver's.  It was very enjoyable and is packed with great information.

Sara von Tresckow

HGA as a new place to check for vendors here:



And yes, Giovanna is listed.


sally orgren

You can print out a little .75 x .75" image, and place it in the badge holder you receive when you register. I suppose you could go online and make a luggage tag or something to affix to your tote bag that would be more permanent. That would also work.


I started adding my avatar to my nametag more than 8 years ago. I added the logos for Weavo & WeaveTech, so even if folks didn't know me personally, they would know I was part of these online communities. (When I first started doing this, fellow attendees thought I must be someone important because I had such a "loaded" nametag! ;-)


FYI, a delightful surprise for newbies and cherished tradition for regulars at the conference is weaver Lillian Whipple. She is known for weaving with very fine threads and she typically weaves up small swatches of the conference logo and passes them out to everyone she meets. If you have been attending these conferences a very long time, you may have assembled a large collection of these swatches by now. (So save space in your name badge for one of these swatches if you are lucky enough to run into her!)

Erica J

You all are giving us some great ideas. I have started thinking about what we will be bringing for give aways. We're thinking useful things, pens, notepads, but now we're also looking into Weavolution ribbons that will stick to your name badge, and make it easier to identify fellow Weavolutionaries! :)


I've never felt the desire to go to convergence, because in my working life, I go to lots of conferences, and only enjoy the really small ones.  But this talk of classes and interesting vendors, etc, is making me think I should give it a try next time!

Erica J

Hopefully you can go next time. It will be interesting to see where it is in 2018. I must confess I have been envious for years of those who attend Convergence. There are always a plethora of amazing classes!!!

sally orgren

Someone mentioned they were driving to the conference, and it dawned on me to mention car pooling is a great way to meet and network with fellow weavers while at the conference.

In addition to oodles of exhibits on site, there are a few off site as well: Small Expressions at the Milwaukee Art Museum, two exhibits (fiber art created by the students of the HGA/Flora Foundation Grant recipients + an American Tapestry Alliance exhibition) at the Milwuakee Public Library and Complexity, an exhibit of work by Complex Weavers, exhibited at Riverwest Artists Association.

For a bit longer trip and taste of historic textiles, the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts in Cedarburg is having a special exhibition of coverlets and “Stevengraphs”.

For a taste in ethnic textiles, the exhibit Ancient Looms, Modern Threads: Contemporary Handwoven Garments from Oaxaca, Mexico is on exhibit at the Ruth Davis Design Gallery in Madison.

It’s a little mind-blowing to consider how many wovens we are going to have the opportunity to view at this time. (Another reason why I try to go with empty looms!)

Erica J

Oh Sally how you tempt me! We'll be visiting Oli J's family in Wisconsin before Convergence. They are such interesting nice people, we may do a few of these as family trips!

Thank you for taking the time to post these here!

Erica J

So we have all the donation incentives packed up and ready to go. Here are the last 46 bags waiting to be tied. My lurcher, Lily was not amused at having to get off the couch to make room for wool! :)

From right to left are Blue Faced Leicester, Masham, Romney Marsh, and Suffolk.

[email protected]

Turning the calendar page to July feels like it brings Convergence much more than one day closer.  It is time to count the days instead of the months.

This weekend I am going to start the hunt for unconventional materials to take to Anastasia Azure's 3 day Loom Weaving with Alternative Materials workshop.  I know I will shop at Convergence for fun additions but the class starts on Tuesday and the vendor hall doesn't open until Wednesday.  A bead show near us this weekend will provide the biggest temptation since I hope to work in small scale to create jewelry.

I also hope to get to the Fuller Craft Museum in Brockton, MA this weekend to see "CounterCraft: Voices of the Indie Craft Community," curated by Faythe Levine who directed the documentary, "Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft and Design (2009)."  Art and Craft are inspiring and being embraced by the 21st century concept of "Maker."   

Hope to hear about preparations by others.  Tien mentioned her book signing at Convergence on Daily Check-in June 2016 thread.  I am so psyched to meet Tien and read her book, "Master Your Craft."



I hope to see the amazing things you create in your classes - please set up project pages.  you can be happy knowing how much its driving us crazy.

Erica J

Our promotional materials should be arriving at the house. I already have the donation incentives and pout cards ready to be packed.  We also have 2 different books marks to hand out. We were thinking of doing ribbons to go on members badges. Let us know if you would be interested in those. 

I can't wait for my classes. I also just signed up for Rosalie's Neilsson's workshop in the UK this fall. So I plan to hit up the Glimakra booth for some Bokens yarn to use as my warp.

sally orgren

Well, I started thinking about the conference too, by pulling out my registration book and planning my "personalized" schedule, penciling in when would be the best time to get over to see Small Expressions and Complexity (two different locations), and what group gatherings I want to catch (Complex Weavers, Rag Rug Show 'n Tell, ATA, informal fashion Show and the shuttle race. One of my guilds is working on a shuttle race entry.)

The other part of my preparation will be my list for the vendor hall. I always try and remember to bring a swatch card of my yarns, so when I buy, I am not duplicating what is on my shelf. I am also on the lookout for unusual yarns, books, and/or fabrics that can be used as linings, etc. 

Keep in mind, nothing goes as quick as you think because inevitability, you run into an interesting person or conversation along the way ;-)


[email protected]

Thank you for the great suggestion about swatch cards, Sally.  I hope you will add Weavolution meeting on Tuesday to your agenda.  I am looking forward to meeting you.


sally orgren


I would love to join you, but I won't be arriving until Wednesday. I am going to try and catch the shuttle race on Thursday evening, along with some of the other informal gatherings, so I hope our paths will cross at one of those events/times.

Erica J

We'll do another grt together as well. So let us know what other times you have open!

[email protected]

Sally, I am looking forward to complex weavers meeting.  I was interested in it long before it separated from HGA.  That gives us a plan for meeting if we don't accidentally meet earlier in the day on Wednesday.  


sally orgren

I definitely plan to catch the CW meeting - that is where I met fellow Weavolutionaries in 2014. I try not to miss the informal fashion show on Friday at noon, and I also want to catch the Rug Group.

I am still cobbling together my schedule, but I think Wednesday is going to be packed from the moment I arrive. Saturday is looking to be more open.


On Friday.  My small, local weaving group is going up to Milwaukee for the day for the vendor hall and rug auction.  I have started thinking about my shopping list and I really should start writing the things I want to look for down on paper because I know myself well enough that I will get side-tracked with other cool stuff.

sally orgren

In the past I have volunteered to help with this event.


The volunteers start by organizing the items by number in groups of 10 - there are HUNDREDS in a variety of price points and sizes, including some baskets and related items. This makes it quick and easy to pull the correct piece when the initial call is made. Beforehand, we get a little bit of training on how to hold the object and the procedure to follow when the bidding begins. (Even some of the bidders volunteer at different times during the auction!)


The items will be available for the whole afternoon before the auction, so you can examine everything at your leisure. The auction process is really interesting, whether you are a bidder or a volunteer holding up items for everyone to see. I think in Long Beach, I got to hold up an antique textile that opened at $15,000 - an opportunity that usually only comes in the back room of a museum while wearing white gloves!


Bruce Burnham is also a fascinating gentlemen if you get a chance to talk to him. I met him many years ago in Philly at the Sedgewick Gallery, during an exhibition he launched and funded with the goal of exhibiting work woven by the descendents of original Navajo Germantown (eyedazzler) weavers. He provided the original 18 colors of Conshohocken yarns to these select weavers, and he did not dictate what patterns they would weave. He partnered with the family that originally produced the yarns to recreate these specific colors from historic samples he had, and the pieces woven by the newest generation were just amazing. There was a book produced in tandem with the exhibit. He took me through the exhibit piece by piece. Seeing that exhibit and meeting him was one of those pivotal moments every weaver has in their weaving life, and it was because of this encounter I took a 3-day Navajo weaving workshop with Pearl Sunrise at Convergence Denver 2004.


I beleive the Meetup time is for 5 on Tuesday.. but does anyone have a place in mind? Since the Vendor Hall won't be open yet, that will be out...




I am just green with envy but also so excited for those who are making their first Convergence And of course those who have been many times! It is awesome and worth the  pennies ( ha!) and minutes you have! 

I weep thinking of the vendors hall! Such fun!

We have our youngest son getting married August 13 th in Chicago and have been requested to help do stuff that week:) So excited!

Maybe I'll get to meet some of you next time around! 

Have a wonderful time ! 



Sara von Tresckow

Getting our looms dressed for Convergence. Woolgatherers has begu preparing a host of looms to test drive.
For pictures of the preparation go to Woolgatherers on Facebook or 
our web site

Erica J

There is a Coffee Cafe on the ground floor of the center, we will be hosting the meet up there. We look forward to meeting many of you!

I've started spinning samples of the wool that we have for the donation incentives. I started with the Suffolk Light Grey. In TJ's words, it's soo soft!

See you all soon,


[email protected]

DH and I fly to Milwaukee for Convergence in 2 weeks--14 day countdown bengins now.  Apologies to those who might be there in less than two weeks but I am so excited that I just need to do something in honor of the event each day.  That will also get me through boring tasks like inventorying my stash and making sample cards to take with me to the vendor hall. That is one of the best tips I have learned here on Weavolution.


Erica J

Change of plan on the meet up, apparently the coffee shop on site will not be open at the time of our meet up, so we're hoping folks will come join us in the lobby of our hotel, the Double Tree. Let me know if you need the address.

Way to go Francine, I love your plan! I'm spinning my way to Convergence and hopefully doing a bit in my design notebook! My design notebook will have to wait until we are done visiting my family, but I'll have some time once we are in Wisconsin. My in laws are very nice, but they are more interestedin seeing their grandchild than me. :)

[email protected]

Just looked at map--0.4 miles (less than 10 min) walk between Doubletree and Hyatt even though on opposite sides of the convention center.  I am hoping that some of us will be able to eat dinner together Tuesday evening (and other evenings too).  

[email protected]

Wove last night instead of making sample cards. I thought about which shuttles to take for workshop. I need to make lists for everything!

Erica J

I think the conference center was a good choice, because all the hotels are near the center and each other!

We are definintely hoping to have dinner with people each night! Any meals really, if you see us eating, come join us! :)


I find two listed....Sundeck Bar and Grill and The Avenue Bar and Grill. Both at Doubletree Hilton...   ?    Any word on which one?  :)

[email protected]

I now have a sample card of my Halcyon 5/2 pearl cotton.  It is all mini cone (300 yards) and all but 3 are full cones.  I placed the colors on one card in rainbow order.  Not sure if I should add dye lots that appear on the cones.  I have smaller stash of Bockens and a few odds and ends to do.  

I also wove a length of IKEA polyolefin tie down twine on Structo last night.  The first of my unusual material auditions for the Anastasia Azure workshop.  Sampling makes it so easy to plunge in and explore.


[email protected]

is there a Structo group meeting at Convergence?  Meeting with Yahoo group members might be just the ticket to help that group move forward with a new moderator for All Things Structo.   

sally orgren


I wouldn't worry about dye lots. With weaving, there are ways to mitigate this if there is slight variation between lots.


A few more of my tips when yarn shopping at a big venue - in addition to filling "holes" in the stash!


1) I look for smaller packages of those bright colors like construction-cone orange, caution-tape yellow and lime green, because they make great accents, but I don't need giant cones of them. Lunatic Fringe has a "spectrum" line of really intense colors.


2) I look for "neutrals" in medium values, in common yarn sizes that I use like 5/2, 8/2, and 10/2 cotton. For this kind of yarn, I DO look for a bigger cone. Khaki is one of those wonderful chameleon-like colors that can be a great weft alternative for a multi-colored warp. Some people might call them "ugly" colors (which means you might get a good deal!) but they can be terrific when used as a background to more showy colors, and often a better alternative to white or black.


3) If there is a yarn vendor present but I am not quite ready to buy yarn yet, I would certainly buy a sample card to facilitate my online ordering after the conference. Websites & monitors don't render colors well, so having the sample card informs my ordering for the next few years. Also, sometimes a project pops into my head after the conference, and then I am prepared to order what I need, instead of having the idea die on the vine because I got stuck in the implementation process.


Gee, does anyone else have any favorite shopping tips for this conference?

sally orgren

I visited our woodworker-weaver Steve's workshop to check on the progress of our guild entry. Hmmmmmmm.....

[email protected]

Laughing at myself.  Sally gives the best advice!  I naturally figured the next post was response to her query about other advice.  So I immediately thought the scooter was recommended for getting around the vendor hall!  It is beautiful.

[email protected]

Our classes and meetings went onto phone calendar today.  I am going to have a hard time picking and choosing shuttles--I have many more than I probably should but will still probably long for one from home!  Then again, not bringing a valuable shuttle could become the impetus for getting another one!  


You might have to get a new shuttle:-)  I ended up getting a beautiful Bluster Bay shuttle at one of the MAFA conferences that I went to.  I was taking a workshop from Tom Kinsley so every time I use that shuttle I think of weaving lace.

Joyce (not verified)

of my yarn and fiber stash and will have some projects on the to-do list so I can make a list of what I'll need to complete said planned projects. I've not had much time at the loom since mid-May due to multiple trips to TN for a family matter.  Convergence will be a welcome treat.  Looking forward to the fashion show, the seminars I've signed up for and meeting fellow weaver's and fiber enthusiasists in person!