I was taught that when I start my first pick to leave a long thread tail for the hemstitch. I have woven a few inches and ready to hemstitch. Oops. I forgot to leave the thread tail.

Can I use a new thread to hemstitch?


Sara von Tresckow

Of course - if that first thread was too short you'd need to piece in a new one as well.

Erica J

Or if you think there is enough loom waste and it would be appropraite for the item, you could do a twisted fringe, or you can weave enough extra to just do a rolled hem.

But if you really want to do a hem stitch, I think you can tie on a new thread to do the hem stitch. :)


thread to use for the hemstitch, start the stitching leaving a long enough tainl to weave in later and hemstitch away - at the other end  usually just weave to tail up the selvedge an inch and - ta da - you are done. I have, on many occasions, forgotten to leave the tal for the hemstitching.


What a relief that the result of my mistake was only a delay to wait for your replies. Thank you for taking time to solve another of my problems.

Erica J

We've all been there and are now happy to help out other new weavers!

Happy weaving,
