I pictured a table runner with the main body in a Log Cabin pattern and the hem edges in a solid color border, a line of Soumak to define the ends and then use the Brooks Bouquet pattern.

The Log Cabin requires a 2 color warp. If warp and weft threads are the same weight, will the weft cover the warp color in a plain weave? If not, maybe I can weave 2 separate pieces for the ends and sew them on?


Sara von Tresckow

You'll need to consider the sewn on solid color ends.

Bordering a piece as you envision entails more loom, shafts and structure than you have available.


At times I amaze myself. I just finished a sampler to see how to make different print fabrics in plain weave with just the 2 thread colors. The second block uses Colors A & B warp with only Color A for weft. That is exactly what I asked. Yes; the warp color does show. Color me crimson red for  "embarrassed."

Sara, once again, you have shown me the right way to go.

Yesterday, I borrowed the book, Weave * Knit * Wear. It shows how to weave garments with a rigid heddle. Each project is rectangles sewn together. I will apply that same principle to my table runner - one large and two small rectangles.

The baseball stitch is recommended for a flat invisible seam. I could not understand any of the instructions I found. I did find this picture on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/527202700107006664/.


I've tried this stitch twice (not including restarts and starting over) but the results have been disappointing. If you figure out a better way let me know. Joining panels from my rigid heddle for baby blanket.thanks


I've tried this stitch twice (not including restarts and starting over) but the results have been disappointing. If you figure out a better way let me know. Joining panels from my rigid heddle for baby blanket.thanks


10ashus, I applaud your sampling, preplanning, and designing! As you know the contrast of the colors in log cabin make up the pattern, and as Sarah mentioned more shafts are needed to get the plain weave on the hems. 

As it seems you're wanting a beginning and end of contrast to your log cabin piece. instead of cutting and sewing you might want to sample with a single color in the weft , in a different color and a value between  the two warp colors. This will give you stripes . Then you could go in one of two directions , either blend for less effect or exploit for more effect.

In either case choose a color mid way in value Between the two warps. If you choose a color which is subtle , more of a neutral,  it will blend the two colors together in value( making the colors less contrasting) , adding a third color for an interesting blend( this is called " color bridging") .the stripes will be less noticeable, but still there. For instance warp navy blue, light blue, cross with medium grey, med blue, ( not too saturated)   There will be a double stripe where if you have threaded the end of block A with a L and start block B with a L . However if it is repeated across the piece it may or may not be disconcerting. 

However, if you decide to exploit the situation and make these stripes say something , you can do something else. Warp navy blue, light blue, cross with a medium red violet or , medium red orange! Try to match saturations.you'll get stripes with meaning, I imagine. 

Of course you may decide you really dislike how this looks. That's ok , part of the sampling process! Never turn red, if you can help it :) if you're not failing at your samples half the time you're not experimenting! You'll get it eventually and your work will be better because of it:)

If you want to sew, I would suggested the following. Press firmly down  the edges to be sewn. ( after zig zagging the edges, or surging) making the crease exactly straight. Abutting the two pieces,  Then stitching by hand ,tiny stitches, underneath and along the creases, between the folds. When finished, I would suggest pressing the raw edges underneath and slip stitching Them down. This will give a seam that probably will have a slight rise to it in comparison to the rest of the runner. However, it will look quite nicely done.

I hope this helps, Cathie


My log cabin warp is on the loom.

Cathie, your suggestions for color are being book marked by me. I will for sure want to try those combinations as I am a member in the Color Study group.

Your seaming method would look very refined. Doing a Seam Sampler will go on my Want To Do list.


Yes, 10ashus, the Color Study Group is great! I would like to know the results of your color sampling in log cabin, weather you decide to take the suggestions I made or not:) I always like to see what colors do ! 
