Does anyone have ergonomic tips to ease the strain when warping your rigid heddle loom?

The loom rests on a tv tray during the warping stage. I must stand up, bend over, and look close to thread the heddle, especially the size 12 holes. This morning I needed a break after every 2 pair of slots and holes. Oh, my aching back.



make sure I take lots of break and stretch. I stand up and touch my toes (well try to touch my toes), just let me arms hang down relaxed, then I stretch up over my head and stretch my arms out to the side as well. I also roll my shoulders and let my head drop to my chest to really stretch out those neck muscles. If the pain gets too bad just walk away from the loom and give yourself a break. I sit in my desk chair when I thread the loom so I can adjust height if necessary.

danteen (not verified)

I can't speak to warping a RH specifically, but on my floor looms, getting to eye level with the heddle eyes keeps me from bending.  I raise shafts or sit low or some combination of both.

You could adjust the loom height or chair height, also, whichever can be done more easily.  I can thread for a hour or so at a time without a break, though after that I do the stretching sugggested by endorph.


Endorph has me laughing. No one said that I must take classes in yoga and acrobatics before weaving. I thought of.weaving as a calm, meditative activity.

Seriously,  Endorph, your advice is very good. I will start the bending and twisting. I saw a demo video of warping in which the instructor did sit. At the time I recall thinking that she must have long arms and sharp eyes. She also remained seated to advance the warp. I cannot do that either.

I do sit when using the shuttle.  Smile


Danteen, that goes along the same thought as Endorph's adjustable office chair. I will try some books to raise the loom height.


As a child I loved building things. I still do. Today I built a warping tower. Table tray +plastic storage bins +books. I kept stacking anything and everything until I could thread the warp without bending over.

Hurray! I threaded a 14 inch wide heddle today without needing a chiropactor.

Up until now, I believed that grin and bear it was part of the warping. So glad I asked and so grateful you answered.

danteen (not verified)

I know that you have to be warped to weave, but not hurt while warping.

Glad it all helps.



and hard to move, you could move it to a dining-height table for threading. The larger surface would also give you somewhere to rest your elbows, to help steady your arms if necessary.

I found a couple of 24" high thrift shop tables for my looms, so they'd be at a comfortable height for weaving - the same height as a TV tray. But for closeup work like threading, a 30" dining table is a good height.

Though your tower solution does exhibit more creativity. ;-)