
  I just purchased a 20 harness, B-4 (56" weaving width) loom..got it home, boy is it heavy!  I got it for what I consider to be a great price, but there are a few minor issues.  Anyway, the people I bought it from had removed some of the beams and the harnesses before I arrived to pick it up..since they moved it across country, I suspect it's been apart for quite some time. Anyway, I'm going about cleaning and looking it all over carefully and have a couple of questions.

two of the wires that run from the jacks to the lams seem are not moving smoothly and there is a kink in the wires, and when I try to push down on the jacks the wires bow out rather than move smoothly up and down.  Any ideas, do I need to replace the wires (can I buy from Macomber?) or what else should I look at to locate the problem?  

I did remove the bar holding the treadles carefully and have cleaned them and will replace when I get it moved into location. I noticed in another post of Michaels, to put nylon washers between each treadle, is that in addition to the wooden spacers?  

For lubing up the jacks at school, we use vaseline and cue-tips, is it better to use a silicone lubricant?  

hoping I can put everything back together when I'm all done..the people gave me two boxes of parts from everything they removed..I've always been pretty good at puzzles, so lets see if my luck continues..LOL.

any words of wisdom are most appreciated!





Michael White

I don't like useing vaseline/silicone on any part of the loom, it just collects lint and dust. I use a dry lub. On the wires I think you have a other problem. You can remove the wires and strighten then out. I am hinking you have dirt in the groove the lamms move in or heddles frames catching on something. I would looks at each frame to see if any hooks or the clips holding the bars in are catching on anything. Once you have the treadles back in place (if you have the old style lamms with holes make certain the treadles lineup with a hole.) The nylon washers are not needed on the treadles. Make certain the grove in the treadles are clean and open. Sometimes they close up and the hooks stick in the grove.

Enjoy your "new" loom you are going to find out that treadleing the 56 inch loom can be a work out.

You will find lots of pictures here and on http://www.ravelry.com/groups/macomber-looms

 You most have been one of Amy's students. Haywood has a great weaving program. I just saw Amy a few weeks ago in Atlanta.



Hi Michael, 

thanks for the tips...yes, I am just finishing my first year in the fiber program..hoping to graduate next May. It's a challenging and rewarding program and I'm learning lots!  I am looking forward to the workout ;-)  

