I am done weaving my samples and project piece is done! Now I just have to put the finishing touches on my records and portfolio! I think I'm goign to go with one display box per cloth type, balance, weft faced, warp faced and a binder for my preliminary samples! I'll post a photo of the final display style.

Keep your fingers crossed that my assessment goes well!

I am sending you all good weaving vibes!!!

Have a great day,



Erica J

Today has mostly been doing paperwork for my portfolio. Under the advisement of my mentor, I have rethought how I will display my portfolio. I need to compromise between space saving, both for the display and future storage and asthetics. I found some inexpensive "display" boxes. I bought one for each type of weave (balanced, weft faced, and warp faced). Then I had to reprint everything on more sturdy card stock, that took some time. The reprinting allowed me to take a last look at my notes and add some more details.

I feel like my notes look really sparse, but that will just have to do. I'm not sure I have anything else to say about my samples and hopefully the weaving will speak for itself.

This week I'll sew the samples down to the new card stock, which has a draft on one side and the records on the other. I'll post a photo later in the week (hopefully).

Fingers crossed.

Erica J

Day 2 of paperwork is down. I noticed many record sheets that need updating and reprinting. I really wish I had come up with this idea for the portfolio sooner it would have made things much easier and I would be done already.

I need to update and reprint about 15 record sheets, then sew on each sample, then sew on samples of the yarn. Finally I need to track down any yarn wraps and attach them to the record sheet.

Fingers crossed I'll be done by Friday! :)

Erica J

My portfolio is nearly ready to go!! I have the yarn samples drying to the sample cards. I managed to layout my notes in such a way that everything, the notes, draft, and sample all fit on an A4 sheet of paper.

I was going to ask Oliver to punch 54 holes for me, but the librarian at work turned me onto Tumbow glue, which can be permanent and dries clear!

Now I just have to put a few finishing touches on the preliminary samples that I submit with assessment and go back over the documentation for my pillow.

Then, I just have to wait for my assessment date and results. That is going to be the really tough part!!!!