I'm busy warping Suzie Liles "Fancy Dish Towels for Every Day" from Handwoven's Jan/Fab 2016 issue and can't imagine why this pattern is calling for floating selvedges when it's a plain weave base with huck lace diamonds that don't extend to the selvedges. I'm thinking of leaving them out.  Am I neglecting to consider something important here?



I never use floating selvedges so - without actually looking at the published information - I would say no.  

Sara von Tresckow

I'll second Laura - sometimes directions like this are simply force of habit by the contributor and no one bothered to edit it out.

Using floating selvedges on this items is entirely optional.

Sue in VT

Thank you Laura and Sara, the direction follower in me was feeling guilty about this, but at this point in my learning, I should trust all that I've read about floating selvedges.  


It's always good to read through the directions but adjust where you see the need.  Sometimes pattern writers take a 'belt and suspenders' approach.  :)


I am trying to weave the huck sampler in Madelyn van der Hoogt's Huck Lace book.  The threading is 1-4-1-4-1 for block B and 2-3-2-3-2 for block A.  The treadling for weft spots or floats is harness 1& 3, 2, 1&3, 2, 1&3, for block b, then 2&4, 1, 2&4, 1, 2&4 for block a.   This is producing weft floats but not the ovals pictured in the book and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.  I would be eternally grateful for any advice.  Thanks!


While on the loom, under tension, the ends can not shift to form ovals. There are several resources about the changes wet finishing brings to the woven item. Try looking at finishng techiniques in Madelyn van der Hoogt's books or "Magic in the Water" by Laura Fry, available from Weavolution, or any number of other books.

This is why experienced weavers sample, to test what the finished weaving will look like.




Thank you Alene.  I hoped that might be the case but it didn't look anything like the pictures - even when I loosen the tension on the loom.  I'll finish the sample treadlings and see what I come up with.  It would have been nice if it had been mentioned in the book.