Today I started the warp for the Color and Weave Sampler (page 24) from the book, The Weaver's Idea Book, by Jane Patrick. The goal is to show how you can create different patterns with colored thread in a plain weave. You warp the thread across for each of the Blocks; then, weave the weft in the same order.

  1. Block 1 -- 20 ends Light.
  2. Block 2 -- [ 1 Dark, 1 Light ] 10 times - 20 ends.
  3. Block 3 -- [ 2 Dark, 2 Light ] 5 times - 20 ends.
  4. Block 4 - [ 1 Dark, 2 Light ] 7 times - 21 ends.
  5. Block 5 - [ 1 Dark, 3 Light ] 5 times -20 ends.

Blocks 1, 2, and 3 end with a thread in the eye, as I have always done. I am confused by the Slot-Eye sequence at the transition between Block 4 and 5. Block 4 ends with the last Light thread in a slot. The first thread in Block 5 would be in the eye, and it's last thread in a slot. I have never started a block in an eye nor ended on a slot. Does it seem okay? Have you done this type warping sequence before?

p.s. About the copyright - I am posting the pattern from the book because this page is displayed as a free excerpt in Google Books, making it available to everyone wIthout purchasing the book. 



Erica J

Block 4 has 4 ends per repeat, so the entirety of block 4 will contain 28 ends. If I read you post correctly this means it should end in eye the same as the rest. Is that correct.

Thanks for clarifying the copyright! this is all fairly standard log cabin threading, so would be OK to post either way. We just wouldn't want pictures out of the actual book or Jane's instructions verbatum posted. :)

Happy Weaving,




Erica, I thought you found the error. But, that is an error in my typing. I will correct the original post.

Block 4 -  [1 dark, 2 Light ], 7 times - 21 ends

Block 5 - [ 1 dark, 3 Light ], 5 times - 20 ends

Your comment did point out something. Each pattern block has threads grouped by 2 or 4; except Block 4 is a group of 3.



Color Sampler -20 picks Light completed


Picks 1-20 in Light thread. Picks 21-40 in [ 1 Dark pick, 1 Light pick ] x 10.

The #20 Light thread ended on right hand side. Does #21 in Dark start from the right or left?

Erica J

When I do color and weave work, I usually have the shuttles follow each other. That helps me keep track of what I'm doing. But if you find your selvedges aren't catching, then you could work the hsuttles in opposite directions.

Does that make sense?


Yes, Erica. That does make sense. You explained it well. In the future I should ask myself what will the color switch need to flow smoothly at the selvedge.

Samplers are to sample things. Right? I had decided to choose one way and see what happened. Rule #1 of Samplers: write down what you did. Big mistake. I did not note the shuttle direction. I had to leave the weaving a few days,  due to illness, and now I cannot remember. As soon as I get well, I will test both shuttle directions and make better notes.

Whichever one I picked last time, my thread wrap at the selvedge definitely needs work. I was feeling rather proud of my selvedge on the first block. Block 1 there was with no color change.

 Close up selvedge

Erica J

I'm that that was helpful. I completely agree about good notes, not just for samples for everything! I have used tips from the likes of Laura Fry and several others to develop a system so I keep everything together from start to finish. I tend to use post it notes by the warping board, so those, the warp chains and planned weft thread go in a shoe box to keep them together until it all goes on the loom! I also use a spreadsheet to keep track of sett, warp, notes, etc. I do this because when I kept a notebook I noticed it disappeared everytime I needed to reference it! :)

Good luck on your studies!


Color sampler: patterns with plain weave


 Color-n-weave sampler finished. Things I learned...

  1. How to make pattern design with plain weave by simply putting thread color in certain order.
  2. Tie the fringe to match the warp that created the Blocks pattern. 1 dark/2 light ends; 2 dark/2 light ends.
  3. Selvedges with 2 shuttles. I did not understand there are several methods until I was finished, so mine are lumpy and loopy.

Two shuttles - interlock 2 threads at selvedge - 3 Methods

1. Start both at right side. Lay down shuttle you just used at top. (Color A right to left. Lay down shuttle at top. Color A left to right. Lay down shuttle at top. Pick up Color B shuttle from the bottom. Automatically makes the wrap.) Bottom means closest to you. Top means closest to your work. 

2. Color A shuttle thread hangs over the heddle while not using. Encircle with Color B, the active thread. It will leave Color A showing at edge. Example: stripes and you don't want to cut the thread.

3. When shuttle exits... If edge thread is down, lay shuttle at bottom (nearest you). If edge thread is up, lay shuttle at top (nearest the work).

These last few sentences were copied from my notes. I tried to add the extra words so it would make sense.

Erica J

Lovely sample! You learned a lot from that sample, which is also great! It is such a good idea to make a record of what you did shortly after the weaving! I lvoe that we can put our notes here in one place where it won't get lost!

My notebooks are enver where I think they are, but my project on Weavolution always are. :)