So, I finally have my Macomber all ready and have woven almost 10 inches on it.  For the first 3 inches, I noticed my warp was getting loser as I wove.  A quick check made me realize my dog wasn't staying put in the ratchet (I think those are the correct terms).  But, if I put it there, it stays put until I advance the warp again.  I've also noticed my brake treadle tends to get stuck on the front beam/beater bar if I'm not careful.  Pretty sure this is not causing the problem though.



As always, please send photos.  We also need to know if this is a big Mac or a Baby Mac. I cannot visualize the brake/beater situation on a Big Mac . . .


As always, please send photos.  We also need to know if this is a big Mac or a Baby Mac. I cannot visualize the brake/beater situation on a Big Mac . . .


It is a large Mac.  I resolved the dog not staying put after I posted this of course.  The spring just needed to be tightened up.  I haven't noticed the brake treadle sticking anymore either...


I have a "new-to-me" Macomber B-5 "Ad-a-Harness" loom and need some advice on a current problem

When advancing the weaving project onto the front beam and trying to create appropriate tension in the warp, the ratchet handle slips off the gear wheel when the tension gets tight.  In other words, the ratchet handle slides to the right and the gear wheel slides left and everything lets go and I have to start the process over. Is there an adjustment I have missed that can keep the beam from slipping side to side?

Thanks for any suggestions..


I have a "new-to-me" Macomber B-5 "Ad-a-Harness" loom and need some advice on a current problem

When advancing the weaving project onto the front beam and trying to create appropriate tension in the warp, the ratchet handle slips off the gear wheel when the tension gets tight.  In other words, the ratchet handle slides to the right and the gear wheel slides left and everything lets go and I have to start the process over. Is there an adjustment I have missed that can keep the beam from slipping side to side?

Thanks for any suggestions..