i just purchased a new reed that is a 10 dent stainless steel 26". When it arrived, the box was a little dinged up so I examined the reed closely. Looking down the top edge, I can see it is definitely not straight. I don't think it was caused by the ding in the box though. The reed feels pretty hefty and it is a gentle curve rather than a sharp bend.


I looked at some of my other reeds and some are perfectly straight, well they seem that way by eyeballing them down the edge, but others are slightly curved. Some of the reeds are nearly 30 years old. But none of them have as great of a curve as the brand new 10 dent stainless one I purchased.


Will this cause problems with the weaving? Should I contact the store and have them send a replacement, or is this fairly normal?


thanks for any info. 



Your beater bar at the top and bottom will straighten it out enough, at least while it's on the loom, maybe use it with the convex towards the front of the loom. Unless it's severe, I don't see the difference it would make. I would contact the store with an email anyhow so they are aware of the problem.


send it back, and tell them you want a straight one. You undoubtly paid a lot of money for this equipment it should be perfect . it could not meet the fell evenly which would effect your weaving. That's what I'd do.



I thought it was too sturdy to bend. I picked it up and couldn't see how much of anything could bend it. I assumed it was that way from manufacturing. Well shows me what I know. I told my husband, he picked it up and said, "huh, it is bent." And before I knew what he was doing he bent it straight. so now I have a straight 10 dent reed. 


I would have suggested bending it back.  I have straightened a lot of reeds.


Shows what I know too:) glad you got it fixed!