How is your Spinzilla going?


Erica J

I am experimenting with fractal spinning. I was only able to seperate the second half of my 4 ounce combed top into 4 sections. Hopefully that was right. I think the tutorial I found said 16, but that was not going to happen.

I thought I might be lagging behind already today, but I got a second wind after I got home and I think I spun about an ounce today, which I'm quite pleased with.


I do fractal spinning I usually do four sections. I can't imagine tryin to divide into 16! you would end up with pencil - very thin - pencil roving!

Erica J

Whew! Maybe it was talking about using a whole seperqte top, that is what one of my friends is doing. Or I did not remember correctly! 


Oh that is very nice looking spun yarn Erica. I like the color combo in it. 


I feel like I'm in the infant stage with my spinning abilities. I have 3 spinning wheels & 4 spindles.  I'm getting there slowly with my hand control of the fibers and sometimes feel like I'm all thumbs.

Erica J


I am just getting past that stage! The yarn is spun from this year's Bee Mice Elf Fiber Club. I have been a wee bit addicted to fiber clubs the last few years. :) The fibre clubs have helped me get over some of my spinnin fears, beacuse it's all lovely fibre it is fun to spin, but since I didn't pick it out and they're often not my favorite color ways (beautiul mind, but not one I picked out myself), I find it easier to sit down and spin it up. 

I mostly have drop spindles and only one wheel, which I bought because it was on sale from a guildmate at a screamin' good price. I'm in the market for a double treadle wheel and am looking into borrowing a few different wheels over the next year or so, so I can figure out what my dream wheel is. :)


Oh that sounds wonderful to have fiber clubs. I can understsand not liking every color. I too have my favorites and the ones I absolutely hate when I go out to buy yarns. Wished my part of the state had interest in spinning & weaving. All the guilds and weaving stores are at least 200 miles away. Good luck on your quest for your "dream wheel". It is out there waiting for you to discover it.


My favorite wheel is my 40 yr old sweetheart I picked up from a weaving store in Yamhill, Oregon in 2008 on my way back from Alaska. Hubby & I went up to Alaska for our son's wedding. This wheel, her name is Denali has a very nice history background. She is a saxony style single treadle handmade by a retired forest ranger who got into building wheels in the late 1960s when a lady in the local guild in Kalispell, Montana asked him to make her a copy of another giuld member's antique family heirloom wheel. He went on to make several hundred more wheels. I found some info by Googling his name which I found where he had signed the underpart of the wheel, put the yr it was made, where it was made & the number in the line of wheels he made.


I recently wrote to the guild in Kalispel asking if they had any more info or could relay a message to Mr Shaw's family that one of his wheels was alive & well loved in Texas. I received a most endearing letter from the lady who had Mr Shaw build the original wheel that started him on this career. She gave me a very interesting look into the past describing Mr Shaw's early yrs of wheel making. She sent it to me through her granddaughter. That wheel is "priceless" to me. Smile

Erica J

What a lovely and interesting story about your wheel! My current wheel is an S75, but from the era when they were single treadle. I love it, but I know my back and it is going to require a double treadle wheel in the long run. 

Spinzilla is doing wonders for my posture, though I may have gotten too excited and over done it a smidge today. Work was less than idyllic, so I was needing some stress relief and got the second bobbin spun and plied both together! 70 yards in the plied state!