Putting warp on rigid heddle loom. Pulling thread through thè holes. The warp thread broke.

Tutorials I found were what to do if it breaks while weaving with woven fabric already on the loom. What if there is no fabric yet?



10ashus, too bad no one has answered you yet ! On the other hand you may have figured something out on your own which is great :) in case you're still stuck this is what I do. Though this is not the only way :) I would measure out an end the length of your other ends. Then thread it through the hole and continue threading the rest of your warp. Tie up the warp on the front rod, remembering that one thread will be looser than the others, that's o.k. After that's done , take the other section of the end and pass it over the back beam then weight it about 15 inches down, for starters. You'll be adjusting this weight as you advance the warp a couple of times. For a weight, I like to use old film canisters with a few quarters ( coins) in them I put the end in a neat coil and nestle it in the film canister and then put the lid on. Make sure that end is the same tension as the rest of your warp. If your don't have film canisters, you can use fishing weights, washers, a nut etc. if threading through a washer or nut, don't make a knot, make a 1/2 bow!

hope this helps,  Cathie


Thank you, Cathie. I would see my loom and feel forlorn. Now I have an action plan. I will follow your instruction this weekend.


Great! Let us know if you have any other questions:)



 The thread broke up by the heddle and is already wound on the back beam. Do you ignore this thread since it is replaced? Any special precautions to take as the back beam unwinds?



Bring the broken thread off the back beam and let it hang down to the floor.just keep an eye on it , it will want to tangle up with the weighted warp thread , if the weighted warp thread gets too low. There are other ways to repair broken warp ends too. Do you have any weaving books this is my least favorite way of doing it because i usually don't like having things weighted on the back of my loom, but 1 is o.k.:) 

Good luck with your project! Enjoy and have fun!
